Drop Democratic Party
Is it too soon (or too much) to hope for the permanent demise of the “ComMarxucRat” Party?
Like the Mad Hatter on crack, they have stampeded themselves to the left for for at least 10 years. Anyone still clinging to their psychotic agenda should drop what they’re doing and seek help.
Great historic truths have a way of hiding in plain sight. The Democratic Party was always a cynical and intentionally deceptive name for the party of slavery. The Democratic Party was formed and named specifically to split our country and to keep their Blacks enslaved. The Republican Party was formed and named specifically to prevent them from doing that.
Abraham Lincoln became the first Republican president to be assassinated by the Democrats after he emancipated their slaves and was attempting to grant them the vote. Every member of the Ku Klux Klan was a Democrat, and many of those were senators and congressmen. Elected Democrats fought desegregation and equal rights continually, well into the 20th century.
Democrats are the party of death, the party of war, the party of slavery, the party of industrial abortion. Chemical castration of children is now called gender-affirming care, as is surgical genital mutilation (sterilization) of young children.
As a public service to humankind, it is ... time for the Democratic Party to throw itself onto the bonfire of history’s really bad ideas. For your own sake, do this in the name of Jesus and let the rest of us get on with life.
J.C. Passmore Jr.
Elk City