OpinionMarch 6, 2025

Prepare for tax hike

Here comes a county property tax increase for every U.S. county because of shifting health care costs from the federal system back to the states; really, the counties.

Before Medicaid/Medicare, most indigent care was managed and paid for by counties (with some support from state funds, private donations and limited federal assistance). Medicare relieved counties of some of these indigent costs, shifting the cost to the federal government. Medicaid shifted most of the remaining indigent costs from the counties primarily to the federal government and partially to the states, relieving county property taxes.

Medicaid is jointly funded by the federal and state governments. The federal government paid more than two-thirds of total Medicaid spending in 2023. The states, the rest. States do not use property taxes to fund their Medicaid share. States use other revenue sources, like taxes on health care providers.

Prior to Medicare/Medicaid, each state had its own system for providing health care to the indigent, with varying levels of coverage and eligibility requirements. Also, hospitals and clinics often provided free or discounted care to indigent and low-income individuals who could not afford to pay. These prior county, state, hospital and clinic indigent health care programs (including charity support) were discontinued decades ago when Medicare and Medicaid were enacted.

Put the above together, because of upcoming cuts in Medicaid/Medicare, indigent individuals will again face significant barriers accessing necessary medical care, unless your property taxes increase.

Eric K. Peterson


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Engage elected officials

I saw there was a meeting in Clarkston recently for the purpose of teaching Tactical Civics. I went online and watched the group’s video and learned they believe there’s lots of corruption in our government, including law enforcement, and so they believe we need to organize a “lawful militia” and “Take Back America One County at a Time.”

I think our government systems are just fine. Yes, of course there are people everywhere who act illegally. But the idea of a “lawful militia” challenging our elected officials or law enforcement the way the “lawful militia” did at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021?

Our real law enforcement officers and military go through actual, standardized training programs. The members of a volunteer militia don’t. The leaders of some of these militia groups are just salespeople trying to make a living off people who are currently a little disenfranchised.

In his 2023 book, “Perils of Extremism,” author Jason Van Tatenhove explains he was the national media representative for a few years for the Oath Keepers until he eventually concluded their leader was just earning a living off his followers. The leader kept the group in the news by showing up at various events so the donations would continue to flow in. Contrast that with our government military and law enforcement agencies.

Don’t buy what these people are selling, please. If you want to participate in government, go to a meeting of your elected officials, call them or write to them.

Lorraine A. Nelson


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