Incredible photos
The best thing about the Lewiston Tribune is August Frank and his incredible photos.
From beautiful landscapes to magnificent animal photos and endearing children playing in the snow, he makes my day so much better. Thanks so much.
Bev Carpenter
Step up, lawmakers
An open letter to Idaho’s congressional delegation: There are three branches of government. Our Constitution established these branches so that not one branch has too much power.
You are letting Elon Musk, a civilian, usurp the power of the legislative branch of our government which is responsible for appropriations and therefore has “the power of the purse.” No government funds should be frozen. The executive branch is responsible for spending the funds as directed by Congress. You, sirs, should be responsible to the Constitution and your constituents instead of sitting by the wayside and watching this chaos happen.
Congress passed the Impoundment Control Act of 1974. As per this act, the president is to report promptly to Congress regarding all withholdings. This did not happen. You are letting an unelected, unvetted billionaire, who directly benefits from government contracts, run roughshod over this government.
It is time that you step up to do the job you were elected to do and take back control of this chaos instead of relying on the courts to fix this.
Yvonne Wright
Rotten in Denmark
There seems to be something rotten (and very stinky) in Denmark, and it could be connected to Donald Trump’s (Elon) Musk gland.
Shelley Dumas
Mass corruption
We can at least credit President Donald Trump with a certain craftiness, entirely apart from his total lack of honesty, patriotism, or commitment to the U.S. Constitution and rule of law. What appears to be the random wrecking of our federal government and its institutions is actually a systematic sabotaging of government’s law enforcement and regulatory capacities. But why would a president deliberately sabotage his own government and in so doing sabotage one’s own country altogether?
To enable unrestrained mass corruption and looting of public coffers by unelected billionaires like Elon Musk, that’s why. Musk “donated” more than a quarter of a billion dollars (yes, billion with a B) to Trump’s reelection campaign. Still wondering why he gets to loom over a seated and silent Trump while ranting to the American people from the Oval Office?
Shame on Idaho’s Sens. Mike Crapo and Jim Risch for not defending the U.S. Constitution, which forbids presidents from unilaterally defunding federal agencies budgeted by Congress. Congress alone has the “power of the purse,” not Trump’s quack cabinet. Mass firing of nonpartisan Inspectors General, agency closures and violation of the 1974 Impoundment Act are all unconstitutional and illegal actions, and thefts of taxpayer dollars and services.
Chris Norden
Seeking tangerines
Where, if anywhere, can I find tangerine oranges? All I find are mandarins.
Dani P. Dawson
Include the five Ws
Responding to James Fry in the Feb. 9 Tribune, I agree.
I understand the editors of the Tribune publications needed to save money during the COVID-19 outbreak when everybody had to stay home and cut one day, but by just printing stories from the Associated Press and offering opinions from the Washington Post and using large photographs to fill space on the page isn’t, in my opinion, they way to do it.
They are charging more and delivering less, getting thinner and thinner every week.
Surely they have access to more than one news outlet to obtain copy for their pages.
Using just one or two news outlets will frequently slant a story when there are so many options available like United Press International and Reuters, just to try to balance the news.
Not that these are the only two. USA Today is another but we don’t get information from KLEW-TV either, since their news operates out of their Boise studio now. Their announcer can’t even pronounce the names of some cities in Idaho. Not to mention, his delivery leaves much to be desired.
Hire a reporter for the paper who can add copy and who understands that the five “Ws” — who, what, why, when and where — should lead every story and throwing in how never hurts.
I always thought that a newspaper’s three primary goals were to inform, educate and entertain.
Gerry Reviea