No right to interfere
We need to call on our Idaho state senator and conservative patriot Dan Foreman, R-Moscow, to go to the U.S. Capitol, stand face to face with foreigner Elon Musk and tell him, “Go back to where you came from.”
This would be a great case of Foreman being correct. Musk has no right to interfere in this country’s governance as do legitimate American citizens and candidates for elected office.
Gaylen H. Wood II
Hints for older folks
Here are some handy hints for people older than 80 who live alone and like it.
1. If you’re too tired to do all your daily chores, do a job that you seldom do, like finding all your nightwear and putting it in the same dresser. When you don’t make it to the john, you’ll find another PJ bottom quick. Or, gathering up all the dishes and pots and pans that you have more than one of and give the excess to a thrift store. This way, you will have to wash dishes if you want to cook or eat with a plate and fork. And all your dirty dishes will fit in a small dishpan.
2. Gather up all the clothes that fit you and put them in one room. Put all the other clothes in another room (along with the dishes to go to Goodwill). The “Beat Generation” hates to throw anything away. You will have a room full of stuff for the estate sale when you pop off. I’m leaving everything for the care of my animals.
3. Leave your computer to a research department (name of university). Who knows: Somebody might even read your files and discover your genius.
4. Tag all collectors’ items, regardless of value; leave to appropriate museum.
5. Leave a noticeable sign indicating how many feral cats you are feeding; enclose pictures.
Nancy C. Parry
Do they care about cuts?
On Oct. 14, 2022, former President Joe Biden signed executive order 14087, which set a $2 price cap on certain generic drugs, expedited the evidence-gathering process for new drugs and improved access to therapies for Medicaid patients. It was an order aimed at lowering the costs of prescription drugs so that American citizens wouldn’t have to face the hardship of high prescription prices.
And on Jan. 20, Donald Trump callously canceled this executive order with a stroke of his pen.
Once again, we will be forced to pay exorbitant drug prices and higher co-pays. Big Pharma will be granted greater freedom to raise prices and increase their huge profit margins, while our health and budgets suffer. What did we do to deserve this?
This cruelty isn’t over yet. Coming up are cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Affairs benefits and Social Security.
Remember, when you voted for Trump, you voted for this. ... It’s already time to contact Trump and our legislators. Although, I doubt they even care.
Patrice Yeatter