Mocking federal law
I am wondering how long the spineless Republicans in Congress are going to allow the Musk administration to make a mockery of federal law and the Constitution.
How long? We all support the efforts to eliminate waste and fraud, but this is not the way to do it. This is not the way to treat federal employees.
What gives Elon Musk the right to make these decisions? I said a few months ago, “elect a clown, ... expect a circus,” but there is nothing funny about what is taking place.
If a Democratic president was doing the same thing, the Republicans would be screaming their heads off. I am embarrassed for our beloved nation, both domestically and internationally.
Ron Hall
A bunch of rich guys
The new leaders of the USA tell us they are going to make America great again. They told us that the last time they were in office. However, once again, all I see are businesses closing and moving out of the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley.
It seems like every time we are told how the government is going to make things better, they get worse. The government declared war on poverty in 1964, declared war on drugs in 1971, took us to war in Vietnam in the 1960s and took us to war in Iraq and Afganistan. We did not win any of these wars. All we have to show for all these wars are rampant drug use, national poverty and a lot of cemeteries.
What we have now is a small bunch of rich guys telling us we should be happy to have them lead us into the promised land. I hope the people of the USA will open their eyes and not drink the Kool-Aid
William Watts
Who will decide?
Every day of life is a gift. Serious illness, traumatic injury or advanced cognitive decline can occur at any time. Should you become a patient who is unable to communicate your wishes regarding medical care, who will make those decisions?
If there is no legal document in place, (“power of attorney” or POA for health care) then a married spouse or, if unmarried, the closest blood relative becomes the decision maker.
When there are “partners” or “significant others” without a legal marriage license or POA, this can complicate things for all concerned.
In addition, you can complete the document called living will or advance directives. This is a document in which you identify the POA and express your wishes for end-of-life decisions. It covers your preferences for life sustaining treatments, organ donation and medical interventions, guiding health care providers and loved ones if you are unable to make them yourself.
The best time to think deeply about and communicate one’s wishes is well in advance of a health crisis. This can avert family conflicts over medical care when a loved one is nearing death.
The Pastoral Care Department at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center in Lewiston is happy to assist anyone in completing either a power of attorney for healthcare or advance directives. Call (208) 799-5440 or (208) 799-5204 to make an appointment.
Sister Mary Catherine Siminski