NorthwestJune 9, 2024

Asotin County Commission

Time: 9 a.m. Monday

Place: Courthouse Annex, 095 Second St., Asotin


Russ Pelleberg, public works director, resolution adopting Asotin County Public Works organizational chart.

Cynthia Tierney, community services director, agreement updates, letter of support for EPIC.

John Hilderbrand, sheriff, request for emergency hire.

Karst Riggers, building official, variance permit for Brit and Debra Ausman, 34001 State Route 129, conditional-use permit for RM Wilson Family Enterprises, 2135 Fifth Ave., Clarkston.

Amendment to memorandum of understanding between board, sheriff’s office and correction’s guild.

Weed board reappointment.

Nez Perce County Commission

Time: 1:30 p.m. Monday

Place: Main floor of the Brammer Building, 1225 Idaho St., Lewiston.


Idaho State Department of Agriculture Clearwater Basin Cooperative weed management area disbursement agreement and award of 2024 state general fund cost share funds for a project – action item.

Customer support agreement with Western States for standby preventive maintenance of the Caterpillar generator located at the Nez Perce County jail – action item.

Adoption of findings of fact, conclusions of law and decision on an application for a zone change – action item.

Five-year equipment lease agreement, equipment acquisition agreement, addendum and non-appropriation addendum between Nez Perce County and Wells Fargo Financial Leasing for the lease of a copier for the Nez Perce County Justice Service’s office – action item.

Five-year lease agreement, equipment acquisition agreement, fiscal funding addendum between Nez Perce County and De Lage Landen Financial Services for the lease of a copier for the University of Idaho Extension office – action item.

Formal memorandum of understanding agreement between Independent School District No. 1 and the Nez Perce County Juvenile Detention Center – action item.

Second reading of an ordinance amending International Building Code – action item.

Other commission meetings on the second story of the Brammer Building

Time: 8:30 a.m. Wednesday


Road department update, including reports on the Cherrylane Bridge, vacant positions and summer maintenance.

Time: 11 a.m. Wednesday


Meeting with fair manager, including reports on recreational vehicle park upgrades, maintenance, Lewiston Orchards Irrigation District, and events.

Asotin City Council

Time: 5:30 p.m. Monday

Place: City Hall, 121 Cleveland St.


Resolution to allow for a minor budget change to purchase equipment.

Ordinance amendment to add section on chickens.

Lewiston City Council

Time: 3 p.m. Monday

Place: Second floor of the Bell Building, 215 D St.


Personnel costs.

Budget requests.

Budget discussion and direction – action item.

Time: 6 p.m. Monday

Place: Second floor of the Lewiston City Library, 411 D St.


Public hearing and vote on the Community Development Block Grant action plan – action item.

Appointment of Jennifer Tengono as Lewiston city attorney – action item.

Community Development Department fees – action item.

Amendment to Clearwater Paper lease agreement – action item.

Community Center transit project agreement with the Idaho Transportation Department in the amount of $798,669 – action item.

Bid for Lewiston Community Center transit stop from Kenaston Corp. in the amount of $930,851 – action item.

Revision of city of Lewiston personnel policy – action item.

First, second and third readings of an ordinance to adopt the termination budget for the Lewiston Urban Renewal Agency revenue allocation for area number four Main East Main to terminate revenue allocation for the area effective Jan. 1, ensure payment of any delinquent property taxes after termination and distribute any surplus funds as of Sept. 30 – action item.

Clarkston City Council

Time: 7 p.m. Monday

Place: City Hall, 829 Fifth St.


Presentations by Valley Vision and Visit Lewis Clark Valley.

Special event permit for July 4 fireworks display by Community Spirit.

Clarkston roundabout sculptures service and fee proposal by Don Brigham.

Mayoral appointment of Gayla Filler to planning commission.

Bid award to Skelton’s for council chambers flooring.

Ordinance to amend code on permits for assemblies, first reading.

Asotin County Cemetery District

Time: 10 a.m. Tuesday

Place: 1141 Vineland Drive, Clarkston.


Committee reports and voucher signing.

Executive session on columbarium and a parcel.

Lewiston Urban Renewal Agency

Time: Noon Tuesday

Place: Back conference room of Lewiston City Hall, 1134 F St.


East Orchards Sewer RAA No. 5, discussion and possible direction to staff.

Asotin County Public Facilities District

Time: 4:15 p.m. Tuesday

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Place: Aquatic Center, 1603 Dustan Loop, Clarkston.


Voucher approval.

Asotin County Public Utility District

Time: 5:30 p.m. Tuesday

Place: Asotin County PUD Office, 1500 Scenic Way, Clarkston


Vouchers and meeting minutes.

Reports from manager and commissioners.

Nez Perce County Fair Board

Time: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday

Place: 1229 Burrell Ave., Lewiston


Copier lease – action item.

Joining Lewis Clark Valley Chamber of Commerce – action item.

Update on pavilion roof.

Report on fair advertising.

2025 fair theme – action item.

Recreational vehicle park upgrades – action item.

Lewiston Planning & Zoning Commission

Time: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday

Place: Second floor of the Bell Building, 215 D St.


Zoning code amendment to remove zoning code provisions under the authority of the Public Works Department, such as, but not limited to requirements for the installation of street improvements and dedication of street right of way – action item.

Wheatland Fire Protection District

Time: 5:30 p.m. Wednesday

Place: 7301 Lapwai Road


2025 budget workshop.

Status of rural grant – action item.

Fire chief’s report.

Lewis-Clark Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization policy board

Time: 4:30 p.m. Thursday

Place: Second meeting room of the Bell Building, 215 D St., Lewiston


Fiscal year 2024 - fiscal year 2028 transportation improvement program – action item.

Addition of $568,000 to construction of Snake River Road project in Asotin County– action item.

Addition of $113,000 to construction for the Heights Elementary Phase II project in Asotin County – action item.

Central Orchards Sewer District

Time: 6 p.m. Thursday

Place: 1522 Powers Ave., Lewiston


Update on joint feasibility study with the city of Lewiston, and Independent School District No. 1 for a Tammany lift station – action item.

Agreement for conveyance of sewer lines from Ron Andrews and Susan Andrews – action item.

Public hearing on petition for annexation by DK Holdings for Canyon Crest West Addition to the city of Lewiston near 18th Street and Warner Avenue – action item.

Work session on budget for fiscal year ending Nov. 30, 2025 – action item.

Lewiston School Board

Time: 4 p.m. Monday

Place: Central Services Board Room, 3317 12th St.


Review budget preparation for amended budget 2023-24 and proposed budget 2024-25.

Convene executive session to discuss personnel – action item.

Motion to come out of executive session – action item.

Consider employment contract: superintendent of school – action item.

Time: 6 p.m. Monday

Place: Central Services Board Room, 3317 12th St.

Conduct public hearing on proposed lunch program fee increase for 2024-25.

Conduct budget hearing on amendments to 2023-24 budget.

Conduct budget hearing on proposed 2024-25 budget.

Recognition: American Legion Post 13 elementary and secondary teacher of the year; Lewiston School District teachers finalists in the 2023 Best of the Inland Northwest; Scholarship awards Class of 2024; Lewiston High School band and choir students compete in 2024 Idaho State Solo and Ensemble Music Festival; ESP Years of Service Awards.

Consider approving amended 2023-24 budget – action item.

Consider adopting proposed 2024-25 budget – action item.

Consider adopting curriculum for grades 9-12 humanities – action item.

Consider approving proposed school lunch program fee increases for 2024-25 – action item.

Consider approving application to State Department of Education to conduct regular session alternative secondary program for 2024-25 at Tammany High School – action item.

Consider approving new course proposal at Lewiston and Tammany High Schools – action item.

Clarkston School Board

Time: 6 p.m. Monday

Place: Educator Support Center, 1294 Chestnut St. or Zoom


Consideration of school board meeting date change – action item.

Consideration of resolution 24-05 delegating authority to WIAA – action item.

Executive session: personnel to review the performance of a public employee – action item.

Consideration of personnel item discussed in executive session – action item.

Executive session to review the performance of a public employee: superintendent evaluation/contract review – action item.

Consideration of amended superintendent contract – action item.

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