On Nov. 11, the Lewiston Tribune published a letter to the editor that stated intelligent design is a front for creationism. The writer wanted only the failing theory of macroevolution to be considered.
Why do evolutionists spend so much time and effort attacking intelligent design? Not because they think it is wrong and want to “save science” but because they know it to be true and that it will demolish their humanistic world view beliefs. When questions are allowed, it is science. When not, it’s propaganda. True science is evidence-based, as is Christianity. Centuries-old prophecies, of which more than 300 about Jesus were fulfilled, and 1,500 others were mostly fulfilled. The rest are waiting for the apocalypse.
The philosophical result of Darwinism is the belief that there is no ultimate authority for which humans are answerable for their actions.
In “Ends and Means, Page 270, Aldous Huxley wrote: “For myself, the philosophy of meaningless was essentially an instrument of liberation, sexual and political. ... We would deny the world had any meaning whatever.”
The controversy can be condensed into two facts that the macro evolutionists cannot answer: the Cambrian explosion of new life forms found in rocks, of all the animal phyla that are the physical characteristics of today’s life forms, and the incredible complexity of information in DNA. Punctuated equilibrium doesn’t work, either.
On Page 413 of his book, “The Origin of Species: The Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life,” Charles Darwin himself stated: “Geology assuredly does not reveal any such finely graduated organic chain.”
One hundred seventy years of intense efforts to find the intermediary forms have failed.
In response to a question of his book “Evolution,” British paleontologist Colin Patterson wrote: “There is not one such fossil for which one could make a watertight case.”
In “Gaining Ground: The Origin and Evolution of Tetrapods,” British paleontologist and evolutionary biologist Jennifer A. Clack wrote: “In the not-too-distant past, there was almost no fossil material. ... Speculation was intense. ... To be truthful, there is still not much real data, so speculation is still active.”
The Miller–Urey experiment, a 1952 exercise in chemical synthesis simulating conditions on Earth prior to life, as well as many other laboratory experiments only produced a few nonliving extremely transient amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. They have not demonstrated how new and beneficial complex information required for life would occur by chance.
Coincidental with the observed environmental changes in the Cambrian Explosion — a period of about 538.8 million years ago when complex life appeared — was the appearance of new genes that regulate all of an organism’s development and functions. Researchers use DNA sequence data to develop tracings of DNA information over time. But they haven’t explained how the new DNA got there, and therefore have not adequately explained the Cambrian Explosion. Arguments of continental drift and new shallow coastlines don’t explain how the new genetic instructions developed.
In computer programs, the introductions of new extraneous information are called “viruses” or “bugs.” In life forms, it is termed mutation. Its introduction will crash the program with no or reduced useful functioning. If it is intentional, as in “hacking,” by an intellect, there is new information given as commands for the program to proceed on.
The point is that the introduction of new, useful information requires a human or better intellect. And loss of information by mutation or a virus causes loss of function. Selective breeding to produce purebred plants or animals causes lost genetic information.
Forty years ago in his book “Darwin Was Wrong: A Study in Probabilities,” mathematician and scientific researcher I.L. Cohen said: “At that moment when the DNA/RNA system became understood, the debate between evolutionists and creationists should have come to a screeching halt. Mathematically speaking, based on probability concepts, there is no possibility that evolution is the mechanism that created the approximately 6,000,000 species of plants and animals we recognize today.”
Is it intentional misunderstandings about nonobserved macroevolution, such as lobe-finned fish to humans, and observable microevolution involving a variation within a species such as types of dogs or Galapagos Island finches’ beaks?
They believe billions of years of DNA mutations from nonliving goo somehow spontaneously, in a magical moment, eventually brought humans into existence, a process termed abiogenesis. The evolutionists will cite examples of microevolution as being macroevolution to falsely support their position. Most mutations are fatal.
True science using DNA shows all people came from one man and one woman, made in the image of God and, after Noah’s flood, from one of his children’s four distinct gene pools. For more information, read “Traced, Human DNA’s Big Surprise,” and “Replacing Darwin: The New Origin of Species,” both by Nathaniel T. Jeanson, a Ph.D. from Harvard.
As Russ Miller of Creation, Evolution and Science Ministries says, “Science is a believer’s best friend.
The genetic information in human DNA is about 3.5 gigabytes. The human genome has 100,000 different genes controlling cellular and body functions, with all humans having 99.9% identical genes. The remaining 0.1% is so different that unless a person is an identical twin or triplet, etc., she or he will have genes different than anyone alive. DNA is used for positive identification of a body for forensic analysis, as male or female and for genealogy purposes.
Any individual’s DNA produces blood components, such as Rh factor and immune components, that are separate from the mother. Mixing these two distinct individuals’ blood will cause significant problems.
Especially in science, when trying to determine the truth of a question, exclusion of possible answers because of philosophical beliefs that accurate answers would demolish suggests intellectual dishonesty.
This is displayed when there is the possibility of a debate between credentialed participants concerning intelligent design.
Recently, we have repeatedly heard the phrase, “The science is settled,” on evolution, climate change and other issues.
The weakness of their position is exposed by hiding and name-calling.
As death ultimately comes to us all, they will discover the flaw they have lived and be shown what’s really illegal to teach a child.
Secular courts often ignore the Founding Fathers’ clear statements of the Judeo-Christian foundational principles of our country, providing the extraordinary heritage of Western civilization. They may have ruled that teaching creationism violates the establishment clause. But in so doing, scientific facts are sacrificed for the goals of humanism.
We embrace the Christmas season in remembrance of the most important human birth ever, that of Jesus Christ.
I grieve for those never having the chance to discover him.
“You knit me together in my mother’s womb.” Psalms 139: 13-14
The human baby is the most vulnerable of all humans with the least protections, and so it is asked of us to protect them. Meanwhile, as the Lewiston Tribune reported Dec. 7, “Washington abortions rose 23% last year.”
Eggleston, M.D., is a retired ophthalmologist. His email address is rjegglestonmd@gmail.com.