OpinionOctober 22, 2023

Commentary: Opinion of Richard Eggleston
Richard Eggleston
Richard Eggleston

On March 23, 1775, Patrick Henry gave his famous speech: “Give me liberty or give me death.”

In it, he said, “We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth.”

Many in America have ignored the trampling of constitutional liberties, slowly progressing and ignored by most for decades, but now body slamming us so even the most oblivious are awakening. The attacks by social media and government agencies on civil liberties — especially First Amendment rights of free speech and religious freedom focused on Christianity and anti-Semitism as well as lockdowns — are opening many eyes.

Even with President Joe Biden mandating an intentionally porous U.S. southern border, at least 150 known terrorists have been apprehended. There are several thousand others suspected to have penetrated into the U.S., according to the U.S. Border Patrol. News videos show the incredible number of strong and young, unaccompanied men entering the U.S.

Israel’s continual existence requires eternal vigilance. But the intrusion into Israel by the Hamas terrorists occurred with the planning undetected by the fabled Israeli Mossad. At least 1,400 Israelis were killed and many were tortured. Why would it be paranoid or illogical to believe these types of terrorists have already crossed our border with more coming? Nuclear war and terrorism in America should be our greatest threat, not climate change and white supremacy as Biden claims between his increasingly frequent falls.

Biden’s weak foreign policy has encouraged Iran, China and others. Until the attack on Israel, $6 billion was to be given to Iran in a prisoners-exchange deal. That money would be fungible, and may still eventually be transferred. Hamas has stated it expects considerable money for releasing American hostages. Then there is the $16 billion of Iranian funds planned to be released by Biden. His speech on the genocide in Israel didn’t mention Iran’s OK to Hamas to invade Israel. Iran is the chief sponsor, funder and weapons supplier to Hamas.

Israel’s 9/11 is the beheading of infants, the cutting open of pregnant women with the baby still attached by the umbilical cord, multiple rapes, the slaughtering of whole families in their homes in Israel, and American and Israeli citizens taken as hostages. It was not intended as a military victory, but the killing of as many Jews as possible.

Percentage-wise, that equals 40,000 Americans murdered.

Is it too far-fetched to believe that terrorists will do the same in the United States? Sept. 11 did happen, and several thousand people were killed that day. Landmarks were destroyed or damaged, and there were great celebrations in several Middle East countries by young, strong men like those continually crossing our border. The same celebrations of murdered Israeli women paraded in pickup trucks happen now.

There are many examples in history of incredible hurdles overcome to attain what’s considered impossible by those who know and believe the truth, and take action. At this point, the fight is using words and having the grit to engage against evil.

Examples include the yearly March for Life from Jan. 22, 1974, to now, and the Freedom March of March 28, 1963. The continual U.S. wars have required bullets and bombs, terrible physical and mental injuries, and death.

The point is that resistance to evil must begin somewhere at some time by someone. Fortunately, there are many in the remnant here who understand history and what sacrifices are needed, knowing there are government agencies with actual haters of America in positions of power, and a media compliant to the wishes of government.

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Early in my practice years, I treated a patient who had numbers tattooed on her forearm. Since I had been to Dachau while stationed with the U.S. Army in Europe as a flight surgeon, and had seen pictures of these numbers, I knew she was a survivor of the Nazi concentration camps.

A second and final Holocaust is the stated goal of Hamas, Hezbullah, Islamic Jihad and other Islamic terror groups. They seek to first kill every Israeli citizen in Israel and then every Jew elsewhere in the world.

“In every generation they arise to annihilate us,” states the Passover book Haggadah. The Hamas charter considers Zionists, Israelis and Jews the same.

Israel is considered by these groups to be little Satan, with the United States the great Satan. When Iranians shout “Death to Israel! Death to America! ” believe they mean it. It is also their stated goal to eventually make the whole world a caliphate. “Nonbelievers” should expect to be placed in concentration camps or killed.

Since these radicals consider Jews, Christians and others who impede them as nonhuman and to be exterminated, we in America should expect to experience the same treatment Hamas gave to the Israelis.

President Harry Truman was the first head of state to recognize the newly re-established Israel, 11 minutes after the government was formed in 1948, realizing it was part of a divine plan for Israel. Given the continued economic and military aid, and the recognition of Israel’s capital to be Jerusalem by the United States, the terrorists will strike.

Replacement theology is the errant teaching by Christians and others that God has abandoned Israel because “the Jews crucified Jesus,” ignoring that it was for all of us and our sins that he died, the Jews and Romans being the means of his death. It states that Israel forfeited her covenants by rejecting Christ and that the promises to Israel were given to the new spiritual Israel — the Church. This has been the source of much antisemitism.

St. Agustine in the fourth century taught this concept of replacement theology. But before him was the apostle, St. Paul. In Romans 9:4-5, he writes: To the Israelis alone “... belong the adoption, the glory, the covenants, the giving of the law, the worship, and the promises. To the Israelis belong the patriarchs and from them, the Messiah descended, who is God over all, the one whom is forever blessed. Amen.”

St. Paul writes further in Romans 9:6-8 that God’s plan for Israel has never been abandoned. “Now it is not as though the word of God has failed. For not all Israelis truly belong to Israel, and not all of Abraham’s descendants are his true descendants. On the contrary, ‘It is through Isaac that descendants will be named for you.’ That is, it is not merely the children born through natural descent who are regarded as God’s children, but it is the children born through the promise who were regarded as descendants.”

To state God has abandoned Israel calls God a liar as he has stated his continued love for Israel repeatedly throughout the Bible, even when the Jews rebelled. The primary focus of the Bible’s end time prophesies is Israel and its enemies, who are mentioned by name. Late in those times, the Jews will acknowledge Jesus as the messiah.

Israel is still under God’s watchful eye and ultimate protection, waiting for their acknowledgment.

Eggleston, M.D., is a retired ophthalmologist. His email address is rjeggleston@gmail.com.

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