You voted for this
Responding to Cindy Agidius’s column (Tribune Opinion, Jan. 12), she writes, “Life is lived forward, but understood backward.” Well, not always. I prefer, “Those who ignore history are bound to repeat it.” That’s why the news media remind us to “drag up the past.”
Unfortunately, too many voters ignored history when they reelected Donald Trump. This time around, history won’t just be repeated, but his mistakes from the first term will be both longer lasting and far more severe.
Remember, you voted for this.
Patrice Yeatter
The right of free speech
Free speech, an American hallmark (distinguishing our beautiful, sunlit land from dark, suppressed North Korea), a free (unbiased) press, open, receptive ears to hear and discernment, are essential to a healthy nation, governed by “we the people.”
Proverbs 11:14 states, “For lack of guidance, a nation falls, but with many counselors comes deliverance.”
Honing in on medical care/freedom, we have the free right to hear various opinions (to accept/reject). So far.
A particular arthritis drug — termed a “wonder drug” — was later linked to heart attack/stroke (verified on Moreover, how many times have serious pharmaseutical drug warnings later surfaced?
The COVID-19 shot was said to be “safe and effective.” Repeatedly. But there are knowledgeable, dissenting opinions.
Proverbs 18:17 states, “The first to state his cause seems right until another comes forward and examines him.”
How true.
The free internet documentary by Children’s Health Defense, “Vaxxed 3: Authorized to Kill” ( contains personal experiences (ordinary people, doctors, nurses, medical coders) in conjunction with the COVID-19 shot and aftermath — including injuries and death — after “Big Pharma,” etc. (with massive monetary incentive and powerful “reach and sway”) claimed we should “trust the science.”
Many testimonials reflect what Dr. Richard Eggleston reported in the Lewiston Tribune Opinion section. Further, a retired doctor’s opinion (detached from pharma) seems a prudent double-check/addition to rightfully hear.
We value democracy — fairness, independent/critical thinking, vigorous debate — within America’s sunlight, to avoid “group-think” and arrive at truth. Hopefully, that will never “die in darkness.”
Ronda Granlund
Who’s telling the truth?
Do you all remember the game show “To Tell the Truth”? Well, here’s a little walk down memory lane.
Contestants would try to defy who they really are and watchers would try to figure out if they were telling the truth or not. “Now you get the point.”
As people watched the news of Jan. 10, regarding Donald J. Trump being a convicted felon, meaning a person guilty of a major crime, American people (80 million-plus voted for this felon) would like to know who is telling the truth. Here are some names and groups you might want to focus or choke on:
Barack “Kenya” Obama (true birth certificate?); Bill “Blue Dress” Clinton (Oval Office); Hillary “Smash & Dash” Clinton (stand by your man); “China” Joe Biden (don’t know nothing; why is Hunter snorting in the White House, now known as the crack house?); Anthony “Father” Fauci (nothing see to here, China); Nancy “Empress” Pelosi (trade market); Adam “Sack of” Schiff (Russia, Russia, Russia); “Republican in Name Only” Liz Cheney (Jan. 6; lock them up; like father, like daughter); FBI, CIA, Department of Justice, IRS and far too many more to mention.
The big G has control and that’s God, not the government. Thank God for our country and all who keep us safe. We have a brain and let’s use it for common wealth for our country.
Marge Lunders