OpinionNovember 22, 2004

Hop off that rig

In response to Jason Thompson's letter Nov. 13 supporting the continuing smog, wildlife disturbance and compaction of West Yellowstone thanks to the snowmobile "paradise" that exists there. Stop kidding yourself.

There is still a reason to complain about snowmobile noise and pollution -- they still make loud noise and pollute the air. As far as the assertion that snowmobiling has "always been that area's main source of revenue." Always -- yeah right.

The park was a paradise long before the advent of testosterone on wheels. If anything threatens this paradise it is overuse by machine. These temporary restrictions mentioned, affect the freedom of the snowmobiling community to roam wherever they please. That is the real reason the ATV community is upset. This is not a new phenomenon. It is called "The Tragedy of the Commons." The Commons being land that by designation belongs to all of us.

Why should the use with the "loudest" and largest economic incentives be catered to? There are a lot of snowshoers, backpackers, cross-country skiers, and wildlife observers whose use causes far fewer conflicts than that of mechanized user groups. The U.S. Forest Service is required by mandate to manage for reduced conflict between user groups. Hop off the rig and smell the fresh air, after the exhaust clears.

Will Boyd


Stupid liberal rhetoric

Michael Grant, in his ridiculous response to my last letter, displays a perfect example of the stupid liberal rhetoric that disgusted a majority of the voters on Nov. 2. Mr. Grant makes an erroneous claim that somehow I referred to Gen. George S. Patton as unAmerican.

If, as Mr. Grant suggests, we were to go back 60 years and discuss the Democratic Party with Gen. Patton, he would likely be very disappointed in the direction the party has taken since his demise. Comparing the Democratic Party of today, supported and owned by every liberal, whack-job special interest group in the nation, to the Democratic Party of General Patton's day, is like comparing night to day. It would be very interesting indeed if we could talk with Gen. Patton and get his opinion on gay marriage, abortion (particularly full-term abortion), gun control, turning over our sovereignty to the United Nations and the character of a presidential candidate who spent four months in Vietnam only to return to the United States and blaspheme our troops, our military and our nation while refusing to sign the Naval Form 180, authorizing the release of his own military records. Any sane person want to guess what the general's opinion would be on that?

Today's Democrats may not be unAmerican; they have just forgotten the values that made America the greatest nation on Earth. They sold their party out to idiocy in the late 1960's.

Dick Sherwin


Fisher abuses language

The old expression holds that "It's an ill wind that blows nobody good." Jim Fisher's jaundiced version of it seems to be "It's an ill wind unless it blows me some good," hence his characterization of George Bush's re-election as such (Nov. 14). To him, of course, the millions who voted for Bush are, at best, nobodies whom he finds easier to demonize than to treat as fellow citizens.

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Equally heinous is Fisher's abuse of language. Terms like "the religious right" are meaningless constructs. Fisher neither refers to left-wing poli-tico-religious movements as being of "the religious left' nor to his own wing of the Democratic Party as "the irreligious left." Fisher also coins the term "sexual minorities", forgetting that behind our bedroom doors we are all a little different -- including some folk, so I understand, who like having a boot in the face -- and, thus, each a sexual minority.

It's a shame that Fisher can no longer write on divisive issues without resorting to hate-speech. Certainly one should treat seriously his assertion that a move in Idaho to prohibit civil unions for same sex couples is likely. So let's try Fisher's solution: stop right now and spend the next two minutes hating the people who will put forth such a measure. Just hate, hate, hate, hate, hate them. There, that changed everything, didn't it?

Okay, now try something really radical. Gay? PFLaG? Rational political moderate? How about being proactive, meeting in the political middle, and creating a pro-civil union bill for same-sex couples in Idaho? Idahoans are predominantly libertarian in sentiment and any bill that doesn't extend it's beneficiaries' fist past the end of the nose of the general population will find more support than "idio-logues" like Jim Fisher will let on.

Thomas A. Hennigan


Support that Marine

I see the printed and electronic media is up in arms over the so-called shooting of an Iraqi with a white flag. I see nothing in support of this Marine. Can someone help me analyze this? We have an Iraqi in an area that has been declared basically a kill zone.

All noncombatants have been requested to leave for weeks. This soldier's buddy has just been killed by a booby- trapped body and he himself has some minor wounds. Why was that Iraqi there? What about the 100s of innocent men, women and children these terrorists are killing daily? Is that not just as equally news- worthy?

This isn't stick ball on the neighborhood streets. You have milliseconds to make a life-or- death decision. You guess wrong and one innocent dies or you guess wrong and 10 of your buddies die.

This is not a fight with the city council nor a barroom brawl nor is it just your life or death. It is also your comrades.

If this Marine is crucified in the press and the terrorists go clean (with the killing of 100s of innocents) will the next Marine wait just one millisecond too long?

And will he be your husband, brother, son or friend? And will he be dead?

Charles Cline


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