OpinionOctober 27, 2024

Vote for Julia Parker

Julia Parker’s term as a Moscow City Councilor has demonstrated that she has the qualities necessary to represent her constituents on a broader scale and greater public office.

Julia listens to her constituents and acts in public office consistently with those concerns in mind. Dan Foreman never has and never will.

Please let Julia Parker hear you out, and entrust her to represent you in the Idaho Senate. Please join me in voting for her on or before Nov. 5.

Sage McCetich


Trump is best qualified

Recently, 700 current and former security and military officials backed Kamala Harris in a letter that she “defends America’s democratic ideas” while Donald Trump “endangers them.”

Did the security officials include the 51 who swore the Hunter Biden laptop was Russia disinformation? The military officials probably included generals and admirals promoted by Joe Biden based on diversity, equity and inclusion standards who just happen to be more loyal to the Democratic Party than to our country. Our miliary leadership by tradition has stayed out of politics, but that’s been completely politicized during the Barack Obama/Biden years.

Who should save our democracy and keep us out of unending wars based on the failed proportional response strategy of our State Department? Who’s best qualified to be our next commander in chief of our military? Who should we trust for advice? Is not it time to remove DEI as a mission goal for our military?

Should we listen to 700 fake experts supporting Harris, or do we trust the 15 Medal of Honor recipients who have chosen someone who will protect our democracy from foreign enemies and from those who control our media and bureaucracies? The 15 recipients of our highest combat award, bestowed on them for combat actions based on love of their country and their fellow warriors, are who we should trust. In a written letter, their choice for president and commander in chief is Donald Trump, a warrior to lead warriors. Why hasn’t the media covered this important endorsement?

Bill Mulligan


Experience overrated

Latah County Commission candidate Mark Thorne is smart, humble and a good listener. His website reflects that: votemarkthorne.com/campaign-issues.

Distinctions between Mark and his opponent are obvious if you compare websites, and were on full display at a recent forum. Asked about managing water amidst rampant development, his opponent responded “Drill a well.” When invited to elaborate on plans, he replied, “There are none.” In contrast, Mark explained aquifer geology, declining groundwater, efforts by Palouse Basin Aquifer Committee to stabilize it and why solutions will be a collective decision.

In response to questions about affordable housing, Mark’s opponent cited a magazine blurb as his solution: “Tax billionaires.” Mark’s suggestions were more nuanced: 1. Establish a housing authority; 2. Develop housing cooperatives; 3. Support efforts like those of Moscow Affordable Housing Trust.

When asked about qualifications and motives, Mark said, “I’m running to serve you,” then enumerated his skills to address the issues. His opponent’s main objective is to get a drug dog. He emphasized years of experience in government as his main qualification.

Political experience is overrated. If I need brain surgery, I’ll seek an experienced neurosurgeon, but politics is not neurosurgery. When evaluating candidates, I’m not interested in how long they occupied elected office. I want caring listeners, enthusiastic learners, humility to recognize they’re not experts in all things, wisdom to know they don’t need to be and capacity to figure out complex problems. Mark Thorne possesses those qualities and has earned my vote. I hope he earns yours, too.

Nancy Chaney


Peterson for change

Are you ready for a change in U.S. congressional leadership? Are you tired of our current Congressman Russ Fulcher bending to the will of political action committee donors and outside influence? Many in Idaho are. Idahoans no longer believe the incumbent fights for Idaho’s best interests in Congress.

But now we have just the person who is ready, willing and able to fight for us: Kaylee Peterson.

Kaylee is a proud, sixth-generation Idahoan who knows this state and its people better than anyone. She’s traveled across Idaho, from cities to rural towns, connecting with people of all political stripes ... . She knows the issues that working people face every day, and will fight for solid solutions. Kaylee will collaborate with colleagues to protect health care, Social Security, Medicare and education. She has the foresight of knowing an educated citizenry and good-paying jobs lead to prosperity that will encourage Idahoans to remain and raise families in Idaho. Kaylee will work hard to support training programs and schools that will result in a thriving economy where everyone will benefit.

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Kaylee has been endorsed by Candidates for Common Good, The Idaho AFL-CIO, Vote Mama, The National Education Association, Idaho Professional Firefighters-AFL-CIO; and Nampa Firefighters Local 804. To learn more about this impressive candidate, visit KayleeForCongress.com.

It’s time for a change. Vote Kaylee Peterson for Congress ... to finally have a representative who will work for the people and the state she loves.

Sarah England

Meridian, Idaho

Airport confusion

I am now totally confused about the situation at the Lewiston/Nez Perce County Regional Airport.

We’ve been extorted by the airlines to pay them to provide service to the area. United Airlines made billions in profits in 2023. I was really mad because I thought there were still regulations in place to ensure rural airports had flights required by the government. And then to find out we used COVID-19 dollars to limp this along was mind numbing.

And now an article in the Oct. 5 Lewiston Tribune is making this situation completely insane. Even before I got halfway through the article I was scratching my head. Airfares have been reduced by 18% or about $50 per person. My mind starting thinking: $50 reduction in airfare (x) 50 people per plane (x) 300 flights per year = $750,000. Hmmm.

How about making those who use the service pay for it? And lo and behold, at the end of the article, passengers have saved $6,000,000. The Lewiston-Clarkston Valley doesn’t need to pay for this. The passengers can.

Mark Lorenz


Vote for Lori McCann

In a previous election, I told you many of the reasons why I thought you should vote for Lori McCann for the Idaho House of Representatives. Many of you did.

A few days ago I asked an old friend of mine what he thought of Lori McCann’s performance as a legislator. Without a moment’s hesitation, he told me he thought she was “great.” My friend is a person I have known for well more than 50 years. Most of you know him as Gov. Brad Little.

Now how can you get a better recommendation than that?

Please vote for Lori McCann for the Idaho House of Representatives.

Steve Rice


Vote yes on Prop 1

Do you wish that Idaho state and local politics weren’t so divisive? Would you like to see more focus on the issues and fewer personal attacks? Voting yes for Proposition 1 can help.

Prop 1 is on the ballot because nearly 100,000 voters from all political parties from all 44 Idaho Counties signed the petition. If Prop 1 passes, all candidates including Republicans, Democrats, libertarians, Constitution Party and independents, would appear on one primary ballot. This would replace the current system of two or three different ballots with different rules governing each. The top four candidates, regardless of political party, would advance to the general election.

In the general election voters would have the option to vote for a second, third and fourth choice in addition to their first choice. Tabulating and tracking the votes would be more complicated but democracy isn’t easy. I have confidence that our experienced secretary of state can figure it out. Every year the state Legislature votes on changes to state election laws to make it harder to vote. Prop 1 would encourage more people to vote.

Do your elected officials and candidates listen to your concerns, return your calls, meet with you and come to your town or your door? Prop 1 can lead to more accountability. With ranked choice voting candidates would have more incentive to listen to voters, not just take them for granted.

Vote yes on Prop 1 for a better democracy.

Norma Staaf


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