OpinionOctober 27, 2024

Vote yes on Prop 1

Hotheaded, yes. So hotheaded that he can’t remember what he said when having a tantrum, maybe. Dan Foreman has on numerous occasions demonstrated his inability to listen to any point of view other than his own. However at a public forum, to swear and yell at at another candidate to “Go back where you came from,” is beyond the pale, especially when the target of the comment is a member of the Nez Perce tribe, and Foreman is from Illinois.

Despite confirmation of these behaviors from numerous witnesses, the Republican Party denies it happened and at the same time says it was a “setup.” Perhaps Trish Carter-Goodheart knew that calmly expressing her opinion would upset Foreman and cause him to walk out.

We need representatives who can listen to and consider differing points of view, even when they hold strong personal beliefs.

It is time to take the choice of candidates away from the party elites and give all voters a chance to pick candidates who will represent most of us, not just the extremes. Proposition 1 will bring an open primary, in which all voters will have a choice. The top four candidates will go on the general election. Each party can choose which of these candidates they want to support and funnel money to. Each voter will get to choose who best represents them.

The primaries are paid for by all taxpayers. All voters should get to vote in them. Please vote yes on Proposition 1.

Robert S. Johnson


Voter suppression law?

It is a sad situation, but the new Idaho voting law is preventing my brother and other disabled people from exercising their right to vote. Because he is bedridden, new to Idaho and cannot appear at a department of motor vehicles office to have his photo taken, he cannot obtain an Idaho photo ID to register to vote.

I spoke with Rep. Brandon Mitchell, District 6, who co-sponsored the bill that became law this year, and he assured me the DMV would make “house calls” in situations like this. I checked with Lewiston DMV, Boise DMV and Idaho Transportation Department. I even spoke with the office of the Secretary of State, and it was confirmed; disabled people who can’t physically get to a DMV office cannot obtain an ID and subsequently cannot register to vote. Evidently our legislators either didn’t think about this issue when passing this law, or didn’t care.

Fast-forward two weeks. I refused to accept that my brother, who lives in a care facility, was being denied his right to vote because of a poorly-implemented law. My brother, with my intervention, was able to meet all the requirements to obtain a photo ID. It was not an easy process ... .

Just because a person is immobile doesn’t make them any less an American citizen. All citizens deserve the opportunity to vote without having to spend days on the phone, navigating a process whereby disabled or homebound individuals can fulfill the requirements in a voting law.

Carol Fletcher


Definitely know the issues

Responding to Jean Nodacker’s letter (Tribune Oct. 9) where she admonished us to,”know the issues and the candidates,” she may want to heed her own advice.

Her choice for president is a convicted felon, grifter, philanderer, tax-evader and serial liar. His opponent is a former district attorney, former state attorney general, former U.S. senator and current U.S. vice president. Her main policy goal is to create an opportunity economy where all Americans can thrive. Vice President Kamala Harris is clearly the better choice.

Regarding Proposition 1, Ms. Nodacker listed six reasons why she will be voting no on the ballot measure. Every single reason is incorrect.

Perhaps she, as well as other misinformed voters, would benefit from visiting yesforopenprimaries.com to get the facts on this very important issue.

Janice Inghram


Vote no on I-2109

I am writing to express my concerns regarding Initiative 2109 which seeks to repeal Washington’s capital gains tax.

While I understand the perspectives of those in favor, I believe this change could have significant implications for the broader community.

As a concerned parent with young children, I believe this initiative would undermine critical funding for essential services that benefit the future of Washington state, particularly children benefiting from Early Childhood care and education.

The capital gains tax affects only the wealthiest 0.2% of Washingtonians — those with stock profits exceeding $250,000. It generated nearly $900 million in 2023 alone, funding crucial programs like early childhood education, childcare, and public schools. Repealing this tax would significantly reduce funding for these services, creating a void that will disproportionately impact families who rely on affordable childcare and quality public education.

In an era of increasing inequality, it is critical that we invest in services that create opportunities for everyone.

I urge readers to consider voting no to I-2109 to ensure that we continue funding programs that help build a more equitable future for all.

Chidobe Ugwu


Vote for Brozik as judge

I endorse Jenna Brozik as the next Whitman County Superior Court judge.

I’m an associate attorney at Prinz & Brozik Law Offices, and I have worked for Jenna for the last seven years, primarily working in Whitman County Superior Court. I’ve been practicing law since 2015. I’ve practiced law in front of judges in more than five counties in Washington and three counties in Idaho. I have worked mostly as a private attorney. However, I have also worked as a criminal public defender both in Whitman County and in Nez Perce County.

One of the things that I found unique about Jenna is she has maintained her passion and optimism that all law students start out with. Jenna has been able to maintain her zeal and passion for helping people and she stays true to her moral convictions at the same time.

She has extensive trial experience in all areas of the law. Her wealth of experience sets her apart from the other candidate in this race.

Jenna’s wide-ranging experience and love of learning will be essential in a jurisdiction like ours here in Whitman County where every single case in the county, other than small claims and misdemeanors, will be her sole responsibility.

I wholeheartedly and unreservedly recommend voting Jenna Brozik our new Superior Court judge. The Superior Court judge makes decisions every day that can change people’s lives forever and I would only trust such important decisions to someone who cares deeply about the people in her courtroom.

Paul Hanes


Missing the fact check

Two words Donald Trump and JD Vance shrink from in their daily smear campaign of America: fact check.

They boast about the thousands of immigrants flooding the country with drugs, murder, rape and pillaging along the way. If that’s the case, why have the actual numbers allowed temporary asylum from violence in their home country dropped by limiting numbers and the rest returned to their home countries?

The FBI just released data collected from more than 14,000 police agencies across America for the first six months of 2024 showing crimes of murder down 23%, rapes down 18% and violent crimes down 10%. The actual spike in emigration had occurred during the height of the pandemic and it was Trump’s job as president to protect the country.

These dopes, along with other “so-called Republicans,” are trashing America in the hopes they will win. Currently, there are no real Republicans left in the party. Several good, qualified Republicans have left because they see that it has become a party of Trump and the screamers rant and rave the idiotic ramblings of a liar and felon who cannot speak anymore in actual cognitive sentences.

In case you haven’t surmised the status of his “campaign,” Trump has already accepted his loss of the 2024 election by putting efforts into disrupting the outcome of a safe and fair election. He’s approved the same individuals’ tactics of failed court challenges, eventual riots. As a veteran, I know I’m not the sucker. Trump is the loser.

Mike Petrusky


A list of values

Recently Glenn Beck interviewed Max Lucado, Christian author encouraging Christians to vote for president. Beck asked Lucado, “What if you don’t like either candidate?” Max said to make a list of your values and beliefs, then see which candidate best meets them. I decided to follow his advice. Here’s what I wrote:

Big government is best. Security is more important than freedom. Should always trust Democrat party governance. Censor those who disagree and jail those that spread mis/disinformation.

Anyone can enter the U.S. at any time. The fentanyl, human trafficking, terrorists and criminal element entering are just collateral damage in the effort to get more Democrat voters.

Diversity, equity and inclusion are more important than merit. Don’t care that pilots and doctors aren’t the best.

I’m all for gender-affirming care. The government and 8-year-olds know what is best for their futures, not the parents. It is discrimination to not let trans females (biological males) play in women’s sports and not share bathrooms and locker rooms with biological females.

My body, my choice. Abortion on demand any time up to birth. If a baby somehow survives — still my choice. We’ll just wrap it up and put it all alone on a cold metal tray. I’ll feel no guilt that my child never feels the love of a human touch. I’ll just walk away as its desperate feeble cries of hunger and loneliness slowly fade until death’s cold grip takes hold.

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With these values my obvious choice is Kamala Harris.

Bruce Crossfield


Consider the facts

Dale Courtney writes (Moscow-Pullman Daily News Oct. 10), “To preserve the honor of public service, we must hold our leaders accountable for their words and actions” (paragraph 13) and that America doesn’t need someone like Walz (with two misstatements) “only one step away from being Commander in Chief” (paragraph 14). Courtney notes Walz apologized for his misstatements. But he forgets the public record of Donald Trump, who would actually be commander in chief.

Where’s the thinking, the logic?

It’s documented that Trump lied more than 30,000 times while he was president. Plus, he said several times that he’s never had to apologize and that having never apologized was a good thing.

I know of only one person who never had to apologize (he never did anything wrong). So, by definition, Walz doesn’t think he is Jesus, but Trump does.

Courtney also has the audacity to say, “How can we trust a leader who manipulates his military record for personal gain?” At least Walz has a military record. Trump’s record is one of cheating and lying, assaulting women and declaring bankruptcy six times ... . So if you say that you can’t trust Walz, how can you trust Trump with anything — our military, our way of life, our daughters?

The willful ignorance of people like Courtney to ignore facts indicating Trump’s lack of integrity, yet attack Walz on facts, is mind-blowing.

If voters consider facts about Walz (or Harris), they must consider Trump facts. Our democracy depends on it.

D’Wayne Hodgin


Vote no on Prop 1

Follow the money, then vote no on Proposition 1.

Following the money is one of the best ways to identify government corruption or who is behind a scam. The proponents of Prop 1 are trying to sell it as an Idaho grassroots cause. The money tells a different story. The truth is, the majority of the money being used to support Prop 1 is being funneled into Idaho by out-of-state leftist/socialist groups and organizations.

The proponents of Prop 1 have lied to Idaho citizens by selling Prop 1 as open primaries. The truth is, if passed, Prop 1 would create jungle primaries and change Idaho’s voting system from one person-one vote to ranked choice voting.

While conning people into believing hoaxes, P.T. Barnum is often quoted as saying, “There’s a sucker born every minute.”

Don’t be a sucker. Vote no on Proposition 1 on Nov. 5.

Vote yes on HJR 5, to allow only U.S. citizens the right to vote in Idaho.

Vote Republican to keep idaho free.

Nolan J. Neal


Immigrant criminal myth

On one of my recent volunteer activities with Spokane Public Schools, I was happy to hear first-hand a school employee’s personal immigration story very similar to many I’ve heard in my 88 years but more recently drowned out by cruel lies about immigrants.

She recounted how her father, who immigrated with her mother from Mexico, followed the seasonal agricultural crops throughout the Pacific Northwest in order to obtain fulltime work with long hours. But he insisted that she stay in one place throughout her childhood to get a good education rather than accompany him to work in the fields for more income. He realized that a good education was the path toward her having a better life than he was experiencing. She told me how much she has appreciated this. And she has rewarded him by her attainment of a master’s degree.

Contrast this with the stories fabricated by Republican presidential and vice presidential candidates Donald Trump and JD Vance to try to support their lies about immigrants.

Many involve false claims that the immigrants we get in the U.S. are criminals. The truth is just the opposite: The crime rate among immigrants in the U.S., both documented and undocumented, is lower than that of those born in the U.S. (Brennan Center for Justice, “Debunking the Myth of the ‘Migrant Crime Wave’,” May 29, 2024).

Norm Luther


Where are the voters?

In Asotin County, only 33% of the citizens vote. Throughout Washington state, approximately 35% of the citizens vote.

Register to vote. Your vote matters. Your vote counts.

I encourage everyone to ponder what Democrat-failed policies are all about. Their failed policies are all about dictating to citizens what they must do. Plus, the Democrat politicians use fear to brainwash citizens to implement these dictating failed policies.

With the fear, with Democrat-failed policies driven by Democrat politicians and liberal media, where are the voters? “We the people” are living with inflation, high cost of living, gas taxes, increased utility costs and property taxes, cost of groceries, etc. These Democrat-failed policies are not working for American citizens. More harm is being created on the people.

Remember this: Vice President Kamala Harris was the tie-breaker in the Senate in 2021 to pass the green climate bill. Interesting, right? This triggered the high cost of everything all people have to pay for.

Who is the Hitler? Democrats say President Donald Trump is the Hitler. For the past 10 years, ponder all of the character assassinations the Democrat politicians and liberal media have spoken on Trump. Is that all they have?

Abortion is no longer imposed upon federal law. Abortion hasn’t been abolished. Voters in each state vote to agree or disagree on their state abortion laws. It’s up to the people and the majority vote of the people. Let the people in each state decide.

Vote and vote for a real change. Vote Republican.

Todd Snarr


Support Proposition 1

Eric Peterson’s recent Turnabout Opinion article (Tribune Oct. 10) about Proposition 1 was spot on.

Spot on with highlighting and debunking the untruthful claims made by those in opposition. Spot on for explaining what Proposition 1 will really do. Spot on for telling the commonsense reasons the proposition was initiated and has such sweeping support among those who actually take the time to learn on their own what it is all about, rather than repeating all the scare tactic mistruths out there about it.

Spot on for outlining why so much opposition. Yup, it’s the fear factor present in not only state Republican power brokers but those on the national level as well. Fear instead of honest-to-goodness concern for what’s good for Idaho citizens is the default tactic when trying to bolster power. We should not fall for it.

Let’s gain our own power and vote yes on Prop 1. That vote, along with giving our Republican Party selves permission to vote outside Republican Party lines for this presidential election, will help quell the onslaught of fearmongering talk and force conversations to address real issues needing attention by most Idahoans and Americans. Wouldn’t that be ever so spot on?

Frances Conklin


Supporting Trump

I support Donald J. Trump for president.

He actually did a good job when he was president before.His idea to build a wall was wise. Now, Kamala Harris has supported filling in parts of the wall.

Mr. Trump has campaigned courageously in spite of the lawfare waged against him. Trump will be less likely to continue the ballooning spending that has bankrupted the nation. Trump helped weaken Iran economically when he was president. This made it less of a military threat. Iran has become stronger under Joe Biden.

Harris was ranked as the third most liberal senator from 2017-19. From 2019-21, she was the second most liberal senator. Now she’s pretending to be a conservative.

Lois Johnston


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