OpinionOctober 27, 2024

List is ambiguous

In his Oct. 13 tirade against Sen. Dan Foreman, self-appointed “judge” Marty “Get the Shot” Trillhaase listed 13 grievous sins Foreman committed that warrant exiling him to Great Britain. No real judge, no jury — just Trillhaase pronouncing sentence.

While to any level-headed soul, Trillhaase’ judgment may seem extreme, to him it’s standard: Anyone who fails to toe the line established by the powers-that-be (Bill Gates, George Soros, Barack Obama/Joe Biden) is guilty of a gaggle of felonies. Their practice? Show us the man, we’ll find the crime.

Checking FamilySearch.org for Trillhaase revealed that Germany has more Trillhaases than other countries.

Now to brass tacks. Trillhaase listed 13 categories of people that Foreman “doesn’t like.” His list is fraught with double-jointed ambiguity such as the claim that Foreman dislikes “public school students.” This is a typical Trillhaase red herring; Foreman dislikes the way public schools are operated; he does not dislike the students themselves. The claim is bogus.

On his list of Foreman’s 13 violations of Trillhaase’ fundamental principles, only No. 10 and No. 13 have even the slightest validity.

One need not wait for Nov. 5; vote to deport Trillhaase to Germany by emailing the Tribune now. If Germany denies him entry, send him to Chicago.

Bridger Barnett


Voting for respect

I’m truly excited to vote for respect and decency this November. It has been sorely lacking in Idaho politics for years. I will not be voting for anyone who believes that they should control any decisions regarding my body nor my family. That is undemocratic, unconstitutional and just plain wrong.

Bans and laws against women making personal decisions regarding their own bodies is not respectful, it is controlling. And Idaho women are dying because of such legislation.

School vouchers demanding public monies for private schools is not respectful or constitutional, it is controlling.

Denying access to library materials is not respectful or constitutional, it is controlling.

Denying medical treatment for transgender individuals is not respectful, it is controlling.

Denying voting rights in a primary by one particular party is not respectful, it is controlling.

I will be voting for candidates who respect the people in their communities, respect their personal decisions, respect their family decisions and respect our constitution. I will not be voting for any candidate who demands that their personal beliefs should control me or others.

Join me and vote for leaders who respect all of us.

Heather Stout


Donald Trump’s words

In his campaign for president in 2016, candidate Donald Trump said, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn’t lose any votes.”

He has not shot anyone, anywhere. Because of his denying the seriousness of the coronavirus, skepticism of science, mismanagement (by not encouraging wearing masks, to avoid gathering in large crowds and being vaccinated) 1,000,000 died. No shots were fired.

The opioid epidemic killed more than 560,000. The inadequate oversight of the Food and Drug Administration, pharmaceutical companies and some medical professionals have contributed to the fatalities. The current death rate is eight times higher than in 1999.

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid prescribed for pain relief. In 2022, this drug killed 73,838 Americans. In 2024, the 45th president killed a bipartisan immigration bill that included $424.5 million to reduce the illegal import of opioids into the U.S. Again, no shots were fired.

The coronavirus and opioid epidemics took the lives of thousands. Each is a clear example of who Donald Trump cared about. I do not think he cares for me but only cares for himself. He did not shoot the thousands rendered voiceless by death, but no lies can stem the river of tears from those who have lost loved ones because of his failure.

Please be reminded it is the ballot box not the cartridge box that has kept us safe for 248 years. Vote.

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Stan Smith


Jeffreys for PUD

I am writing in support of Amber Jeffreys, a lifelong resident of Asotin County, for Asotin County Public Utilities District commissioner.

Amber is capable, hard working and has demonstrated an unwavering commitment to the health and future of our community, particularly when it comes to protecting and maintaining our abundant water system.

With her deep roots in Asotin County, Amber understands the unique needs and challenges we face. Her dedication to ensuring that we have a sustainable and healthy water supply for future generations is not just a campaign promise, it’s a responsibility she’s ready to take on.

In this election, we have a choice. Amber Jeffreys offers us the opportunity to elect someone who not only cares about our community but is also prepared to work tirelessly to ensure its well-being. I urge my fellow residents to support her and cast their vote for someone who truly has our best interests at heart.

Jim Silvestri


Venomous bile

A stolen election, election interference, Jan. 6 MAGA picnic, Donald Trump witch hunt, Democrats controlling the weather, nasty immigrants with bad genes: Convicted felon Trump is a nonstop satanic spigot of venomous bile and BS.

And no, Maggie, Genocidal Joe Biden didn’t send the hurricanes into Florida, Georgia and North Carolina. It was “just” Ma Nature, courtesy of the fossil fuel industry and all the naysayers who deny science and all reasonable logic to explain anything.

Meanwhile, the white supreemies puff out their chests, beat on their drums and wave their flags while proclaiming their undiluted right to this country, to the exclusion of any race, color or creed they don’t like, i.e. all nonwhites.

And these bozos (whose forbears themselves immigrated to this country, committed genocide on the original inhabitants and took their lands), with the height of ignorance and absurdity proclaim, “Take it back.”

Trump and MAGA have no more moral right to be here than the pitiful immigrants who endure untold hardships to come here seeking better lives, just as the Insane Clown Posse’s ancestors did before them.

Trump is right about one thing: A lot of people in this country need to be deported. If the petty Demon Dungheap and all his MAGA airheads were deported and the immigrants allowed in, America would be a far better place, guaranteed.

Yeah, Trumpsky, it’s totally obvious who’s wearing the bad genes, and it ain’t the immigrants. Carpe Doritos.

Mike Epstein


Washington initiatives

Please note the following initiatives for this vital election.

These initiatives involved Washington residents from the all areas of this state. ... All over the state, volunteers started gathering signatures.

Initiative 2066: Vote yes to protect your ability to use natural gas. If electrification becomes the watchword and the dams are removed as well as an increase of electric cars, how is that going to help anything? The electric grid will never be able to handle such a drastic usage. We are capable of making our own choice if we want gas or electric appliances at home.

Initiative 2109: Vote yes on capital gains tax law. It will no longer impose taxes on the sale of long term capital assets you may have. It is a fact that the state revenue will not be harmed and its expenditures will be less.

Initiative 2117: Vote yes on carbon tax credit trading. The CO2 tax was full of broken promises and one was gas taxes would not go up. Well, we all know the price went up 40 cents per gallon and indications are the price will continue up each year.

Initiative 2124: Vote yes on long-term care. The term of the law was the participant could not use if needed until they had been paying into the system for seven years and the lifetime benefit amount was $36,000. The results of pasage of this initative is allowing an opt-out for those who do not wish to participate.

Alice White


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