OpinionJanuary 9, 2022

Well done, Mr. President

I know a lot of my neighbors and fellow American citizens will disagree with me for writing this letter but as a true patriot I feel that I must speak out.

President Joe Biden’s 25-minute speech on the anniversary of Jan. 6 today was outstanding in that it told 100% of the truth without any partisan rhetoric. It’s been many years since I saw any politician do something that honest.

Our president is known for his usually soft and conciliatory stance. But Thursday, he let his true feelings show. And it is good to know that he is willing to be as aggressive as those who would prefer him to quietly fade away so that they can impose their views upon us all.

Well done President Biden.

Jennifer Walker


Now that’s dumb

Since my last letter proving how dumb former President Donald Trump is went over so well, I’m doing another one:

l Sept. 29, 2017 — While defending his administration’s lack of response to Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria, Trump made the following stupid statement: “This is an island surrounded by water, big water, ocean water.” I don’t think he knew before the hurricane that Puerto Rico was an island.

l April 22, 2018 — Trump made the ridiculous statement “the noise from the windmills causes cancer.” It doesn’t. Maybe that’s just in Trump’s private make-believe world.

l July 4, 2019 — During his Independence Day speech, Trump said “American forces took over the airports during the U.S. War of Independence in the late 18th century.” There were no planes used in warfare until the 20th century. Super dumb.

l Aug. 25, 2019 — While talking about hurricanes, Trump said, “I got it. Why don’t we nuke them?” The people in the room with him were stunned into silence. More proof of Trump’s stupidity.

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l April 24, 2020 — Who could ever forget Trump’s most famous dumb statement about injecting bleach into our bodies to kill COVID-19? Really dumb people even did it because Trump suggested it. Some of them died.

l Nov. 18, 2020 — Trump’s answer to stopping wildfires in California was that we should rake the forest floors like they do in Finland. Finland does not rake their forests. Trump proved his ignorance again.

Just how dumb Trump really is never ceases to amaze me.

Joan Vanhorn


Get the shot

Isn’t it about time that we hold China responsible for this COVID-19 virus?

What was their motive for letting it loose?

It has taken thousands of innocent lives. I urge everyone to get vaccinated. What’s more important, living or dying?

I got both vaccination shots plus a booster.

It’s not just a simple virus. It’s deadly. Choose to stay alive.

Please get the vaccine and wear a mask.

Susan Showers


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