FlashbackMarch 4, 2025

“Sportsmen of north central Idaho who have been striving for years to work out ways and means of restocking the Clearwater river, may rest assured that steps are now under way to attain the goal,” said W. M. McIntyre, state game warden, while in Lewiston last night.

The warden, accompanied by Mrs. McIntyre, had just returned from conferences at Sandpoint and Wallace and expects to leave today for his headquarters at Boise.

“The Clearwater river situation has been near and dear to me since I was appointed,” continued Warden McIntyre.

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“Complaints of ardent fishermen that the river has not been given adequate attention by the state game department have been well founded and you may assure them for me that before I leave office I will make it my especial privilege to see that this stream, which has all the possibilities of the famous Madison river of Montana, will be adequately stocked with rainbow, native cutthroat and other game fish.

“For months I have been working with the federal bureau of fisheries regarding corrections needed at the spillway at the Clearwater dam, near Lewiston. Results are nearing. We are also hopeful that a few month will show that a federal hatchery is located on the Clearwater. The Boyd creek hatchery will not be a steelhead salmon hatchery. It will be devoted to the hatching of rainbow and native trout.

“An inspection of the state game farm at Lapwai shows everything in splendid shape under the leadership of Supt. Gene Crawford. The 10 northern counties will be stocked with the hatch of Chinks. Adequate co-operation may be considered assured regarding the building up of the quail coveys, after the splendid start last year through work of the Nez Perce county association. The state department will provide new blood for the 1938 hatch.”

This story was published in the March 4, 1938, edition of the Lewiston Tribune.

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