Pomeroy, March 3. — J. H. Cunningham, representing the Union Pacific railroad, told the commercial club yesterday the mail and express service which was threatened with drastic curtailment, would be continued unless the post office department cancels the road’s contract. Mr. Cunningham said the rumor was without foundation that the road desired to be relieved of its contract.
Junior Chamber Session
The junior chamber of commerce met last night at the Pomeroy hotel. Formation of a softball league was discussed and Pat McCabe, Fred Strain, Glen Ruark and Gilbert Dickson were appointed to investigate. William Rawson resigned as secretary of the chamber and a successor will be appointed at the next meeting. Other business before the meeting included planting trees along the highway east and west of Pomeroy, preliminary work for which is progressing; building tennis courts, on which the council is cooperating, and arranging for a banquet with the junior chambers of Lewiston, Walla Walla and Dayton as guests.
Kenneth Obenland and Orval Porter left today for Walla Walla to attend a Continental Oil meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. John Folmsbe and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Green were in Walla Walla on business.
Cattle will be entered in the Hereford consignment sale Friday at Spokane by John Folmsbe, Joe Green, Ralph Baldwin, Ed Ruchert, Hollis Shelton and Ole Hannas.
The Pomeroy Rifle club held its weekly meeting last night.
Mrs. J. W. Mustain and Mrs. Ivan McCann received word yesterday of the death of their mother, Mrs. G. W. Harman, at Fayetteville, Ark.
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Morris have gone to Seattle to visit their daughter Helen.
This story was published in the March 4, 1938, edition of the Lewiston Tribune.