Lewiston will be host to half a hundred Spokane golfers next Sunday, in addition to visitors from Walla Walla, Pullman, Colfax and other cities in the area, according to L. L. Whalen, manager of the Lewiston Country club, the event being the annual spring sweepstakes tournament sponsored by the Spokane association. Lewiston’s balmy climate attracted 25 Spokane golfers to the country club course last Sunday. While mud and snow prevail in higher altitudes, the country club course is regarded in perfect spring condition.
At a meeting of the Spokane association Wednesday night, the dates for seven sweepstakes tournaments were set, the first Spokane meet to be held at the Manito course April 13. The tournament set for Sunday at Lewiston is one of the earliest yet sponsored by the association.
Rules for the season’s competition were left unchanged, and players will be divided into three classes, professional, low handicap amateur and high handicap amateur. Boyd Walker was named publicity chairman for the association.
Golf pros indicated at the Spokane meeting they expected the courses there to be open for play a week from Sunday if weather conditions do not take a turn for the worse. Snow still covers most fairways.
Complete list of sweepstake tournament dates:
March 6 — Lewiston Country club.
April 13 — Manito Golf & Country club.
May 21 — Hayden lake (tentative pending setting of Inland Empire invitational team tourney at Hayden).
June 13 — Spokane Country club.
July 13 — Wandermere.
August 10 — Downriver.
September 14 — Indian Canyon.
October — Final tourney at Lewiston, date to be set later.
This story was published in the March 4, 1938, edition of the Lewiston Tribune.