Eleven city limit signs, all of them in Lewiston Orchards, have been destroyed by vandals during the last several days, City Manager William G. Steffey said yesterday.
One sign was destroyed by a shotgun blast and others were smeared with paint or defaced.
When six signs were found to be defaced, Steffey said, they were removed and five others installed. When the new signs were defaced, Steffey said the city decided against any more replacements.
“Instead,” Steffey said yesterday, “we will wait until Lewiston police are more familiar with the city limits in the Orchards area before we replace them. That will enable the police to patrol the areas and arrest vandals.”
Steffey noted that destruction of the signs is a misdemeanor and those found guilty are subject to a six month jail sentence, a $300 fine, or both. The signs cost about $20 each and addition, of mileage and labor brings the cost to close to $50, Steffey added.
Posting the city limits is important, Steffey said, because it marks the boundaries of fire and health zones and taxing units.
This story was published in the Jan. 7, 1971, edition of the Lewiston Tribune.