FlashbackMarch 11, 2025

Lewiston’s “Bonfire of the Klunks,” with the fuel pile growing daily during the national used car exchange campaign, is all set for 8 o’clock tonight at 15th avenue and 21st street, and, according to dealers, will be the biggest and most spectacular event of its kind in the Inland Empire.

“Lewiston is the only city in the region which is going to pyramid its bonfire,” said Charles C. Adams, chairman of the event. “In Spokane and other places the dealers merely drive the old junkers to a vacant lot and set fire to them. We are going to hoist our cars onto a huge pile and burn them, making a more impressive spectacle.”

The crane for hoisting the cars to the pile was put in place yesterday. Starting at 8:30 this morning the fated klunkers will be wheeled and towed to the bonfire site. Indications are that between 35 and 40 cars will be assembled for the fire. Old tires, oil and other junk is to be added.

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The fire department will have a chemical truck at the fire for emergencies and a fireman will be present while the blaze is at its height.

City and state traffic officers will handle parking and traffic.

This story was published in the March 11, 1938, edition of the Lewiston Tribune.

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