FlashbackMarch 11, 2025

Unit Asks For Information On Clarkston Field Which Cost $22,623

Total cost of constructing the Clarkston airport was $22,623.04, of which the WPA furnished $10,502.65 and the county and city, $12,121.39, according to an official report compiled by Franklin Huyette, district WPA supervisor, for the bureau of air commerce, Portland. The bureau requested the data in connection with studying proposals for approving the field for commercial transport use.

The report reveals 53 acres cost the county $4,300, purchasing the land from the Lewiston-Clarkston improvement company. Clearing and grading cost the WPA $8,294.15, primarily for labor, and the city, $4,532.69, mainly for equipment, material and supervision, or a total of $12,827.04. Fencing, roads, walks, auto parking areas and landscaping cost the county and city $300, while miscellaneous items drained the treasury of another $197.50.

Placed Gravel Cover

Surfacing the runways with a four-inch gravel cover cost the WPA $2,208.50 and the county and city $2,990, or a total of $5,198. Other items which will require attention are seeding, sprigging, sodding, hangars, equipment, administration building, field lighting and radio equipment.

Fred Zimmerly, of the Zimmerly Bros., given a contract to manage and operate the port two years with an option for an additional five years, last night announced work will start within 10 days on construction of a hangar on the north side of the port near the center. Revised specifications, he said, will involve the construction of a 60 by 75 foot hangar, with accommodations for 11 planes. At the rear and adjoining the hangar will be a shop 25 by 60 feet.

Concrete Flooring

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The buildings, he said, will have concrete floors. Among contemplated improvements will be the installation, of a gasoline distributing pump.

Mr. Zimmerly said foundations for the hangar were installed a week ago but work was suspended because of other business. The work will be resumed within two weeks. Zimmerly Bros. will continue to operate the Lewiston airport until their lease expires in April, 1939.

Frame Buildings

The hangar and shop will be of frame construction and adequate fire protection will be installed, said Mr. Zimmerly.

The contract permits the Zimmerly Bros. to operate commercial and for-hire planes without charge while others are required to pay a fee. All other type of planes, private or government, are privileged, to use the municipal field without cost. The Zimmerly Bros. have exclusive sale of gasoline. The county obtains 80 per cent of the proceeds from the field for rentals while Zimmerly Bros. retain 20 per cent.

This story was published in the March 11, 1938, edition of the Lewiston Tribune.

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