FlashbackJanuary 28, 2025

Pollutants being poured into the atmosphere of the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley by domestic and industrial sources are harmful to both plant and animal life, as well as inorganic materials, it was concluded in research done by the League of Women Voters of Lewiston.

The final program on the air quality study series of the league was presented last night by Mrs. J. Howard Whipple, Mrs. M. E. Buffa and Mrs. C. Wallace Meckstroth at the home of Mrs. Marvin E. Barnes, 1507 13th Ave.

Mrs. Meckstroth reviewed a report prepared by the League of Women Voters of the United States from statistics supplied by the National Air Pollution Control Administration of the Health, Education & Welfare Department, the American Ass’n for the Advancement of Science and the National Tuberculosis & Respiratory Disease Ass’n.

“Particulates,” she quoted, “speed chemical reactions; obscure vision, corrode metals, cause grime on belongings and buildings and aggravate lung illness.

“Sulfur oxides (sulfur dioxide) cause acute and chronic leaf injury, attack a wide variety of trees, irritate upper respiratory tract, destroy paint pigments, erode statuary, corrode metals, ruin hosiery, harm textiles, and disintegrate book pages and leather.

“Hydrocarbons in solid and gaseous states may be cancer-producing, retard plant growth, cause abnormal leaf and bud development.

“Carbon monoxide causes headaches, dizziness, nausea; absorbed into the blood reduces oxygen content and impairs mental processes.

“Nitrogen oxides cause visible leaf damage, irritate eyes and nose, stunt plant growth even when not causing visible damage, create brown haze and corrode metals.

“Oxidants, particularly ozone, discolor upper surface of leaves of many crops, trees, and shrubs; damage and fade textiles, reduce athletic performance, hasten cracking of rubber, disturb lung function, irritate eyes, nose, throat and induces coughing.

“Peroxyacetyl nitrate discolors lower leaf surface, irritates eyes and disturbs lung function.

“Sulfur dioxide is defined in the World Book as a poisonous gas.” Mrs. Meckstroth said.

“A total of 44 pounds of sulfur dioxide a day are poured into the atmosphere by Potlatch Forests, Inc., according to a report PFI submitted to the Idaho Health Department which was published in 1967, Mrs. Meckstroth said. The highest poundage is 31 pounds from power boilers. Lesser amounts are from the recovery furnaces, smelt tanks and lime kilns.

“A total of 1,663 pounds of hydrogen sulfide is being spewed daily from the same sources plus the evaporators.

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“Other pollutants in the PFI report include mercaptans, 1,662 pounds daily; alkyl sulfide, 359 pounds; alkyl disulfide, 186 pounds; particulates, 25,090 pounds, and water vapor 15,306,920 pounds.

Thomas W. Tudder, manager of PFI pulp and paper operations, told the league on Jan. 13 that PFI plans to install a new pollution control system which is expected to substantially reduce the emissions coming from the plants.

“The health department report also includes the total emissions in the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley exclusive of PFI, Mrs. Meckstroth said.

Emissions include 1,482 pounds of solids a day from process emissions; 12 pounds from industrial fuel; 1,612 pounds from nonindustrial fuel; 510 pounds from refuse disposal and 355 pounds for vehicles.

“Carbon monoxide totals 1,360 pounds a day from process emissions, 382 pounds from non-industrial fuel, 2,400 pounds from refuse disposal, 99,012 pounds from vehicular sources.

“Sulfur oxides total 95 pounds from industrial fuel, 1,539 from nonindustrial fuel, and 240 pounds from vehicular sources.

“Nitrogen oxides show 112 pounds a day from industrial fuel, 2,070 from nonindustrial fuel, and 3,355 pounds from vehicular sources.

“Hydrocarbons total 1,360 pounds a day from process emissions, 713 pounds from non-industrial fuel, 900 pounds from refuse disposal and 17,875 pounds from vehicular sources.

Totals from aldehydes are 130 pounds a day from process emissions, 98 pounds from non-industrial fuel, and 170 pounds from vehicular sources.

Ammonia totals include 24 pounds a day from non-industrial fuel and 65 pounds a day from vehicular sources.

Organic acids total 472 pounds a day from non-industrial fuel, 450 pounds from refuse disposal and 137 pounds from vehicular sources.

The greatest amounts of industrial pollution are produced by pulp and paper mills, iron and steel mills, petroleum refiners, smelters and inorganic and organic chemical plants,” Mrs. Meckstroth said, quoting from material prepared by the national league.

This story was published in the Jan. 28, 1971, edition of the Lewiston Tribune.

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