FlashbackJanuary 28, 2025

A Lewiston city building permit was issued yesterday for construction of the Tapadera Inn, a four-story motel at 1335 Main St. Estimated structural cost was $350,000.

Phillips Construction Co. of Spokane is the contractor. The firm also constructed Sambo’s Restaurant building adjacent to the east.

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The 75-unit motel will be owned by George Drumheller of Walla Walla who owns similar motels at Pendleton and The Dalles.

The now motel will have off-street parking at the sides and rear underneath motel units and elsewhere on the property. It has entered into a joint parking agreement with the restaurant. Included in the design are a swimming pool, an elevator to the fourth floor and space for a future street floor bar. R. S. Cameron & Associates, Yakima, did the architectural design.

This story was published in the Jan. 28, 1971, edition of the Lewiston Tribune.

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