The ScoopFebruary 9, 2025

From the

Lewiston Tribune

Feb. 9, 1965

KOOSKIA — After 16 years of faithful service to the community, Kooskia’s fire engine — a Howard-Cooper pumper of an estimated 1917 vintage — is being readied for sacrifice on the altar of progress.

The tipoff was a community fun night at the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Hall last week which raised $100 toward modernization of the Kooskia Volunteer Fire Department, Inevitably, one of the major steps will be to purchase a fire engine to replace the engine which has responded to fire calls here since 1948.

Origin of the Howard-Cooper, which was purchased from the city of Sandpoint, is misty. M.W. Lawton, sales manager for Howard-Cooper Corp. of Portland, reports that company records for 1934 — the year the city of Sandpoint bought the engine — are not available.

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Purchase of 40 acres of land by the Nez Perce County fairgrounds for a high school in Lewiston Orchards was authorized by the Lewiston School Board last night.

The purchase is subject to attorney’s advice that the agreement is “in proper form and all of the matters are in proper order of execution,” according to the motion by member Wynne Blake.

The board has a contract drawn to purchase the land from Mrs. Irene Nichols at a cost of $63,195. The 40 acres are in a square plot directly north of the fairgrounds.

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