From the
Lewiston Tribune
Feb. 9, 2005
After having a single passenger on one of the first flights to Lewiston, this community’s newest air route is quickly gaining popularity.
Bookings for SkyWest flights are averaging about 150 per day for the 200 spaces on flights between Lewiston and Salt Lake City, said Don McQuary at Tuesday’s meeting of the Port of Clarkston.
McQuary is vice president of the board of Valley Vision, an economic development organization that was key in negotiating the trial period for the Delta feeder airline.
Seventeen-year-old Lindsey Crea, a junior from Prairie High School at Cottonwood, is already fixed on a career in accounting.
On Tuesday she won $500 toward that goal as one of about 400 area high school students who attended the Professional-Technical Preview Day at the Lewis-Clark State College campus.
“I want to do what I like to do and I would like a job that would keep me happy,” Crea said of her career choice.