From the
Lewiston Tribune
Dec. 29, 1964
Plywood presses at the veneer and plywood plant of Potlatch Forests, Inc., were started at 11 last night, putting the entire Clearwater unit back into operation after the flooding last week.
A spokesman for PFI said all lumber departments were operating yesterday. The pulp and paper mill and Clearwater Tissue Mills, Inc., also resumed operations on schedule.
Cleaning continued in the basement of the new office building, where mud and silt covered some of the equipment, Office employees went back to work yesterday.
A temporary switchboard was in operation at PFI while the water-damaged system is being repaired.
Eight-hundred cubic yards of gravel and broken concrete fill has been added to North Lewiston dikes to strengthen them against high water on the Clearwater River, City Engineer Richard Storch reported yesterday.
Most of the work was done Dec. 23 when melting snow and ice was causing the river to rise rapidly, he said. About 600 yards of gravel was used as fill on the side of the dike facing the river. Another 200 yards of coarse material was put on the outside of the dike.
Storch said some additional work may be required when the river recedes enough so that the condition of the side of the dike facing the water can be checked closely.