Misinterpreting Wilbur
Responding to John Webb’s Sept. 11 letter, I can only wonder if our allegorical Charlotte misinterpreted Wilbur, the oft-litigated orange porcine idol he follows, in spinning this most recent mentally penned-in missive.
Or is such livestock-level rancor the best to be expected from a septuagenarian failing to understand that some pig is not a terrific thing to either laud or serve.
It would be a more radiant end were he to realize that being humble in his lunacy could lead to recognition as mere rodent Templeton and less the spinneret simpleton. Either way, sadly and with apologies to E.B. White, our cognitive Stuart Little may prove unable to divine the difference.
Why, to use our Charlotte’s (Charlatan’s?) own words? While he might be on the “side that believes in God,” there is clearly no grasp of the instructions given.
Zeke Ulrey
Unchecked corruption
The most corrupt, dangerous and sweeping abuse of political power in U.S. history has occurred under our noses in the Obama/Clinton/Biden administrations.
It continues unchecked today and is growing steadily more brazen.
That abuse is best summarized as the weaponization of the FBI — best understood through the lens of the malicious, fraudulent, unconstitutional and highly illegal operation to destroy former President Donald Trump and anyone associated with him.
Understand the “Crossfire Hurricane” ‘operation’ and you will begin to understand the depth of corruption in the FBI and the Democratic Party. ...
The Mar-A-Lago raid is recent proof that the “Crossfire” operation is still active and becoming even more aggressive.
There are many other recent examples of their police-state tactics to choose from.
Just start with the name — “Crossfire Hurricane.”
What does a name like that actually mean? Think about it.
Who named the operation? Who authorized it? Who has participated in it in any way?
Dozens or hundreds of high-ranking political and law enforcement figures should probably be in prison.
This fraudulent “operation” also deeply involves the National Security Agency, CIA and, of course, the Department of Justice.
So buckle up, buttercup, and start looking deeper into this subject.
This horror show of top-down systemic abuse, corruption and overreach was the predictable result when the NSA was created after 9/11.
Every participant must be fired, tried and imprisoned. ...
Every agency that participated must be defunded.
If this is not stamped out immediately, we’re all in trouble.
J.C. Passmore
Elk City
A climate apocalypse
In 2021, the National Academy of Sciences published an article titled “Permafrost carbon feedbacks threaten global climate goals.” The articles states: “The permafrost region contains a massive frozen store of ancient organic carbon totaling approximately twice the amount of carbon as in Earth’s atmosphere. This carbon accumulated over tens of thousands of years when cold and frozen conditions protected the carbon-rich organic material (derived from plants and animals) from microbial decomposition. However, warming and thawing of permafrost promotes decomposition of this once frozen organic matter, threatening to turn the Arctic carbon sink into a net source of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.”
The article goes on to state: “It is important to recognize that the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) mitigation pathways that limit warming to 1.5 (degrees Celsius) without overshoot require widespread and rapid implementation of carbon dioxide removal technologies, which currently do not exist. … Within this context and considering carbon emissions from permafrost thaw and wildfire contributions, limiting warming to 1.5 (degrees Celsius) overshoot is likely unattainable.”
Given the above, the reader might understand why the article is labelled “A Climate Apocalypse.” With an overshoot temperature estimated to be about 4.3 degrees Celsius, life on planet Earth is not sustainable.
It is a doomsday prophecy.
The RCP (Representative Concentration Pathways) 8.5 pathway delivers a temperature increase of about 4.3 degrees Celsius by 2100, relative to pre-industrial temperatures. The RCP 8.5 is referred to as the “business-as-usual or a worst-case scenario.”
Tom Fellows
The right agenda
The “extreme” MAGA agenda:
l Secure borders.
l Fair elections.
l Energy independence.
l Tough on crime.
l Save babies.
l Stop genital mutilation.
l Put parents first.
l School choice.
l Protect constitutional rights.
l Put America first.
What part sounds extreme and threatening to you?
Look closely at what is happening right now in our country and pray that the right decision for the right agenda is decided in November.
Marlene Schaefer