OpinionJanuary 29, 2025

A president’s job

In the Jan. 11 Lewiston Tribune, there was a political cartoon showing a mother and son discussing the flags being at half-staff. The mother said it was for a great man who used to be president; the son said he thought it might be for a bad man who used to be president and would be again.

This did get me remembering President Jimmy Carter. I do believe he was a good person, but a poor president. During his administration, inflation was extremely high. My mother, who had retired, struggled to make ends meet. I was fortunate to have a good job and received raises that kept up with inflation.

Now that I am retired myself, I realize how tough high inflation makes it for people on fixed incomes. I don’t believe President Joe Biden is a good person, but he is a poor president.

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One contributor to the Opinion page suggested people should cook more from scratch. That’s good advice, but Democratic policies have made life tough for most Americans. Many retired people cannot afford to eat three meals a day.

And that is why Americans voted in a person who may or may not be a good person, but he had made their lives better last time he was in office. Most Americans realize a president’s job is to improve our life and protect our country, not be our friend.

Dan Long


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