No facts, just conjecture
Larry Kirkland’s recent letter (Moscow-Pullman Daily News, Aug. 25) aligns with Republican climate change data: no facts, no value, just conjecture.
Kirkland wrote, people are being deceived because some defective computer models cannot duplicate past annual temperatures. says, “Climate models can’t tell you what the temperature will be on a specific day — that’s weather forecasting.” Big difference.
Kirkland also said the government, through these defective computer models, is “destroying the economy” by removing fossil fuel sources and moving toward “unreliable technology.” According to the Center for Biological Diversity, Joe Biden issued more drilling permits than Donald Trump did in his first two years.
Exploros and many others counter deniers saying, it’s the “reliable” technology of fossil fuels which has America — and the world — careening toward the abyss.
Kirkland wrote, “Shutting down all sources of carbon dioxide in the U.S. will not reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere at all.” Absurd, in my opinion.
Skeptical Science (May 26): “Climate science denial practitioners speak confidently and with certainty about something they do not work on ... They don’t need to fully understand the topic, since spreading confusion and doubt is their task.”
Kirkland opined, “We desperately need a media” to tell the truth and cite sources for good decision making. My sources are accurately reporting the truth about our overheating planet.
According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, reforestation is the best way to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, followed by direct air capture and carbon capture.
Jim Roach