Russia’s deal with China
In 2018, China published a comprehensive white paper now referred to as the “Polar Silk Road.” It refers to the agreement signed between Russia and China regarding the development of Russia’s natural gas found in the Arctic. The agreement also includes the Nordic countries of Finland and Norway.
The Polar Silk Road will enable the countries to develop a northern sea route for shipping. Both Russia and China have icebreakers that will enable them to send ships by this arctic route year around.
The Polar Silk Road enabled China to help Russia develop its natural gas fields on the Yamal Peninsula. The Yamal natural gas field, part of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Region, is the world’s largest natural gas producing area. It produces 80 percent of Russia’s natural gas. With China’s financial assistance, a $10 billion investment, the Yamal area will double Russia’s share of liquid natural gas. To see the development that has taken place in Yamal LNG, Google “”
China is also helping Russia in the development of its Arctic seaport in Arkhangelsk.
Google “New mega-port in Arkhangelsk with Chinese investment.”
The Yamal-Nenets, the indigenous people who inhabit the Yamal Peninsula, draw their primary source of income from their reindeer herds. The development of the Yamal LNG by the Russians and Chinese have made much of their original land uninhabitable for them. Their reindeer starve when the rain freezes and ice forms on the snow and the reindeer can’t get to the food.
Tom Fellows
Suffer the consequences
When you refuse to wear a mask and refuse the vaccine, it is your right as an American.
When you get the virus, stay home and heal yourself or die. It is your right as an American.
Give the medical people a break.
Bonita Manlick
Calm down
The Tribune’s opinion insists on presenting COVID-19 case, hospitalization and death statistics as if they represent a progression among the same individuals. The paper’s news side published a headline recklessly blending school age cases with deaths on Sept. 26 and 30.
“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” said Franklin Roosevelt.
“Keep Calm and Carry On” is the British mantra. ...
Keep calm and turn down the Tribune’s spinal tap signature model fear amplifier.
On Sept. 15, Bloomberg news reviewed the then-current risk to children, noting: COVID-19 remains a mild disease in the vast majority of children. There’s no evidence the delta variant is changing that. Severe disease ... in children remains rare, and hospitalization and death exceedingly rare.
Here’s a short URL that is rife with supporting links — ...
Also read the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s “Risk for COVID-19 Infection, Hospitalization, and Death By Age Group.” Using 18-29 year-olds as a “reference group because it has accounted for the largest cumulative number of COVID-19 cases,” risks were determined for other ages.
Other than 4 years old and younger, where the risk was lower, all groups run the same risk of being a case statistic. Those younger than 18 are less at risk for hospitalization or death.
Idaho’s “DPH Idaho COVID-19 Dashboard” confirms CDC figures. The mean age of those hospitalized virtually flatlines around age 60, deaths at 75.
Follow the stats yourself and keep calm, Idaho.
And get vaccinated already, for Pete’s sake.
Thomas A.
They’re coming for you
Don’t you see?
First the mask mandates, then the vaccine mandates.
Mandate resistors are presumed to believe in personal rights.
That makes them a threat, and therefore a target for cancellation.
No better way to cancel someone than to terminate their employment.
Or better yet, slap them with a bogus legal charge.
Either way, their positions will be back-filled with compliant partisans.
Strangely, health care professionals are a large segment of the vaccine doubters.
Yet, they will be fired and or otherwise sidelined when they are needed most. The same goes for law enforcement, military and other public sector employees.
Make no mistake, this is an open purge and straight out of the Marxist playbook — and way beyond George Orwell’s wildest imaginings.
Mask mandates were the warm-up. Vaccine mandates are the sucker-punch.
Don’t take my word for it. Study Marxism, and then ask one question: Who are the 10 most famous Marxists in recent history?
Let me help you out with a few:
Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot, Fidel and Raul Castro,
Nicolas Maduro and Che Guevara.
Well, you get the idea.
Wake up, America, they’re coming for you.
J.C. Passmore Jr.
Elk City