OpinionOctober 30, 2021

‘Evil and cowardly’

Marty Trillhaase, your racist, infantile dig at Skip Brandt in Friday’s Cheers and Jeers was evil, and cowardly. You are what’s wrong with this country. You owe Skip an apology.

James Rockwell


Why change what works?

Any form of government can work well. It just needs good people to make it work.

This issue comes up when a small group doesn’t think they have enough control or are not getting their way. Sometimes we forget that “not agreeing” is a whole lot different then “not listening.”

The system itself: The council-manager form of government is virtually the same as corporations we work for and nonprofits we volunteer with. An elected board establishes policies and direction and hires a CEO or executive director to implement them.

That system works very well in America. Why change what works?

Accountability and transparency: What is a specific example of a city weakness that could be cited or specific improvement that could be made to address accountability and transparency?

Economic development: What has the city not done to improve our efforts for economic development? It has supported the growth of our economy through time, energy and financial support to organizations such as Beautiful Downtown Lewiston, the Lewiston Urban Renewal Agency, the Clearwater Economic Development Association and Valley Vision.

Yes, we have some available empty buildings due to corporate America downsizing. These can be opportunities. Remember we had businesses in the past wanting to come to Lewiston, but no place to put them.

Lewiston’s form of government makes a lot of sense. It has and does work well. Why change something that really works.

Vote yes to keep Lewiston’s council-manager form of government. It is the right thing to do.

Jeff Nesset


Vote yes

I have seen city government at its best and worst. As far back as the early ’60s, we have seen city managers come and go; some did well and some the council couldn’t wait to get rid of. ...

I’m trying to remember when the citizens of Lewiston tried to get rid of the city manager form of government. Much for the same reason as today, a few citizens did not like what the city manager was doing. ...

Each time it failed big. The citizens of Lewiston would not place in trust a mayor who was not qualified. They wanted to continue with a professional who had the experience, was well-educated and would work for the good of the community. ...

City managers are hired by the council and they try to make the best decision possible when they are in that process. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out for whatever reason. Then it’s time to move on and find a replacement.

But it’s the council that you elect every two years that makes the final decision ... on every piece of legislation and other business that comes before it. It’s the council that sets the direction for the city manager and to make sure that vision is carried out. Not everyone will agree and that’s normal. But it doesn’t constitute changing our government.

Please, vote yes on Proposition 1. It is a proven government that works for you and will continue to work in your best interest.

Brad Cannon

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Picks Edwards, Hauger

On Tuesday, patrons of Mountain View School District No. 244 have the opportunity to choose new leaders for the school board. If you have been paying even a little attention, you know the district has struggled for several years and desperately needs an infusion of new ideas and leadership.

Currently, some candidates seek to turn the focus toward hot button issues such as critical race theory. This only shows how out of touch they are with the actual workings of our district (as well as state law).

Fortunately, there are qualified candidates with a deep knowledge of our schools, budgeting and the challenges the district faces. Bernadette Edwards (Zone 3) and Katrena Hauger (Zone 5) understand what’s going on with our district because they have invested the time to attend board meetings and ask questions. They have studied the issues.

Both know what’s happening because they are conservative, civic-minded and small business owners with deep roots in the community. They understand the importance of our public schools and the funding challenges the state has left us with.

These two candidates genuinely want to assure that our students receive the best education possible, while also seeing that all funds are used wisely and efficiently in the service of that education.

Both are real leaders and understand what public service requires. They know how to listen and utilize feedback as they make difficult decisions.

Let’s make a change, but one that takes us in the right direction. Vote for Edwards or Hauger.

Joe Tosten


Voting for change

I will be voting no on Proposition 1.

We’ve had a city manager system for decades. Our property taxes keep going up and we keep losing retail stores. Now you have to go out of town to do any shopping.

The state of Idaho is booming economically except for Lewiston.

Our city is notorious for being anti-business and anti-industry. I have heard a multitude of horror stories from contractors and businessmen about how hard it is to deal with the city of Lewiston.

Many businesses just go somewhere else instead of trying to deal with our city.

It’s time for a change. We have a beautiful new school with a state-of-the-art professional technical addition to train our children. Now we need a business-friendly city government to encourage new business formation.

Lewiston needs a leader with a vision to guide us into the future. Sen. Dan Johnson is the man for this job.

He is not a politician; he is a statesman.

He prides himself on the fact that he took an oath to uphold our Constitution and he tries his best to honor that pledge. Instead of just voting for a piece of legislation because it sounds good, he actually studies and analyzes it before he supports it. The feel-good bills that he is accused of opposing have been declared unconstitutional in court.

I will also be supporting Cherie Wiik for Lewiston School Board and Hanna Liedkie for city council. Both are highly intelligent and very qualified for the positions.

Marvin F. Dugger


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