Tyranny, anyone?
“To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family tradition, national patriotism, and religious dogmas.”
Brock Chisholm said that at an education conference in California during 1954.
He was a Democrat, psychiatrist and a communist. He wanted to create amoral men who would accept a one-world socialistic government.
The World Atlas articulates: “An authoritarian government is a government that is not chosen by the people and has absolute power to govern as it pleases.” It can be a one-person ruler or a group of people, such as the woke Democratic Party.
Chisholm would love authoritarian woke Democratic President Joe Biden for using the FBI, Justice Department and Homeland Security to send guys with automatic weapons to your house to arrest you and put you in solitary confinement forever.
Oppressive governments establish secret police to maintain political and social control. America has about 17 different intelligence agencies to go after you.
Politico reported the Capitol Hill Police are spying on elected members of Congress, their staff and their constituents. The House sergeant-at-arms works for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Secret police anyone?
Chisholm would be proud of authoritarian Democrats who are trying to abolish freedom (thus individuality), the nuclear family, love for American (patriotism) and religion, thereby destroying America in the process.
How about you?
Do you see yourself as an independent person with freedom?
Alternatively, are you content to be a cog in the gears of a woke Democratic tyranny?
Jim Emmert
Freedom, not security
Besides telling us that Vladimir Putin won’t “gain the hearts of the Iranian people,” President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address contained one particularly chilling sentence. He stated that “between democracy and autocracy, democracies are rising to the moment, and the world is clearly choosing the side of peace and security.”
He’s really saying the world is choosing peace and loss of freedom. Security and freedom are antagonists, you can’t have both.
The more security — the less freedom. The more freedom — the less security.
In the past, we’ve had a balance between freedom and security. But under Biden, our freedoms are under assault and he is signaling he wants to suppress it even more.
Right now, if you protest, speak out at a school board meeting or criticize this administration, you run the risk of being labeled a domestic terrorist.
We all know that the mask and vaccine mandates had nothing to do with our health, but rather to see how many lies we’d accept and how complacent we’d be to their authoritarian demands.
In that regard, we owe a debt of gratitude to the unvaccinated. Whether you agree with them or not, they’ve made it easier for us to stand against the totalitarian demands that this regime will make against us in the future.
There’ll come a time when they will want something that you’ve no desire to give up. Will you acquiesce or stand your ground?
China Joe Biden, I don’t want your security. I choose freedom.
Bruce Crossfield
Wants vs. needs
People want “ammunition more than they want information” — so do you give them what they want or what they need?
Jackson Matthews