Change of pace
There didn’t seem to be any national or world news in the Feb. 20 Lewiston Tribune. Seems like there’s plenty going on these days. Maybe I just didn’t look hard enough.
Next, as for the carrier shortage of which my route is one that doesn’t have one, it seems to me that Eric Barker could probably use a break from pushing dam breaching and deliver some papers.
The same goes for the poor photographer who seems confined to spending his days, warm or cold, patrolling the levee walkways, taking pictures of people running, walking, biking or roller blading and boats, going left and right. He does well but could probably use a break.
Brian Yochum
Keeping it together
Poor Mike Epstein. I think he may be losing it. If he is, I’d like him to take comfort in knowing he’s not alone.
We’ve all seen the videos from Jan. 6. Prominent Republicans have referred to the participants as just “tourists,” and Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel described them as “ordinary citizens who engaged in legitimate political discourse.”
How can any of us who’ve seen the videos possibly believe that? I’m hanging on by a thread here, trying to understand why your average tourist or “ordinary citizen” would want to hang the vice president of the United States.
It doesn’t help a bit that the Lewiston Tribune is running columns like Dr. Richard Eggleston’s, offering highly questionable health care advice. My thanks to letter writers Brian Rhoades and Mike Epstein for helping me keep it together.
Dody Dozier
Off the hook?
The Port of Lewiston is getting $10 million. Now will the taxpayers get off the hook for paying for the port like we were told so many years ago? It’s funny. None of the politicians want to talk about it. We were lied to again.
Barry Schultz Sr.
Vote yes
The generosity of Idaho County residents is legendary. Show them a devastating house fire with heartbreaking property loss, a ravaging disease or serious injury resulting in lost employment and income and the fundraisers crop up like magic to provide monetary assistance and a beautiful demonstration of community caring.
Where there is need there is immediate response. The flow of casseroles, cookies and cash is the Idaho way.
Right now, the Mountain View School District is in great need of an emergency fundraiser called a supplemental levy, which is the only option to fill a critical $1.7 million funding gap.
The budget cuts after the past two failed levies have reduced School District No. 244 to a bare-bones level with the elimination of programs, certified teachers and delayed building maintenance.
Within the Kooskia, Elk City and Grangeville schools, there are 1,174 kids who need our financial assistance. This small levy will cost property owners $147 per $100,000 of assessed taxable value, which is considerably less than folks would donate to a worthy charity or fundraiser — except (mostly) everyone will contribute to this worthy cause. As education-minded property owners, we can apply a financial tourniquet and stop the bleeding.
Please resist the fact-less naysayers. For the solid tradition of providing excellent education opportunities in our public schools, let’s vote in favor of the levy.
Shelley Dumas
Defends Tribune
In defense of the Lewiston Tribune publishing the opinions of Richard Eggleston, Marvin F. Dugger, et al., I submit the following:
The Tribune has always embraced a hands-off approach regarding opinion pieces and letters. Often these viewpoints vary greatly and the research comes from everything ranging from ridiculous misinformation to thoroughly researched facts from well-educated writers.
Granted, some of the wild-eyed opinions are unpalatable, to say the least. But I still appreciate this bold approach. The Tribune encourages its readers to employ critical thinking about the writer’s choice of sources and then counter with knowledgeable, well-crafted arguments.
The give-and-take between these writers is what makes theses pages so lively and thought provoking.
I particularly enjoy the letters from Brian Rhoades of Genesee. They’re brilliant. Keep ‘em coming, Brian.
Patrice Yeatter
Brilliant parody
Ha.Ha. Mike Epstein does it again (Feb. 20).
His parody of a left-wing lunatic is spot on, from the insults to the projections. Brilliant.
Varnel Williams