OpinionNovember 11, 2023

The whole truth

China Joe and his Boss Kenya Obama hate America and Israel. They both have been supporting Iran with our American dollars for years.

One said, “Don’t, don’t, don’t” and the other drew a red line. Iran must be shaking in their boots over these threats from the two. What in God’s name is going on in this old man’s head, China Joe-Bama? Sounds pretty hollow.

Let’s not take our eyes off of our southern border. There are thousands of Hamas militants flooding into our country and other got-aways that are bringing harm. Don’t forget the cartels and their drugs killing us as well and they pretty much own the left.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her band of three need to be in prison for their outpouring of hate speech and harm they are causing.

Remember the January 6ers? So many are serving 20 years-plus in prison for what? The whole truth is going to be revealed soon. I pray Empress Pelosi has the light shined on her and every stone is unturned.

Four last words for China Joe-Bama: A master of disaster, he is a traitor and must be impeached. No one’s above the law.

God bless the USA, Israel and all the little children being raped repeatedly and tortured. Prayers to all.

Marge Lunders

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Choices in life

After reading the article in the Tribune’s Oct. 14 religion section, I would like to thank Cathryn Cummings for affirming the fact that we all have choices in life.

In the book of Deuteronomy, we are told to choose life or choose death. It is good to hear from the horse’s mouth, so to speak, that being gay is a choice. A choice, may I say, that leads to death, not life.

Cathryn is a perfect example of one who has made a choice. She herself said she had been married and has two children. She then, because of a feeling (she said herself, “I had never considered I could feel this way ...”) made a choice to walk away from that life to a gay life. That blows the theory out of the water that “I was born that way, and God made a mistake.” I do not know how much clearer she could have made it.

Despite that choice, the Lord still loves her, and would take her back in a heartbeat, if she would repent (a subject never considered by many) and turn from her sin.

Secondly, I would like to say, I agree with Cathryn. Our God is a loving God; oh, so loving. But his love is not a loosey-goosey love, and his grace is not a greasy grace. He is a just and holy God. He will not be mocked.

Nick Hasselstrom


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