OpinionMay 5, 2024

Vote for Bennett

People should vote for Colton Bennett if they are concerned for the well-being of their children, homes and businesses.

There is much at stake. Idaho Republicans are not all that they seem to be. As a Republican precinct committeeperson in Nez Perce County, I follow the voting record of our representatives in Boise.

If you live in Legislative District 6A, your representative votes more in line with the Democrats’ one-page platform, than the 18-page Republican platform. Her interests lie more in line with the swampy Boise crowd who make large donations than the men, women and children of her district.

As an Army medic deployed overseas, he was tested. As a husband and father, he is looking at the swampy nature of things and is willing to be tested again, this time to be tested in battle with the special interests that throw their money and influence around in Boise.

Colton grew up on a family homestead, helping raise poultry, sheep and hogs. Colton participated in debate in high school, and worked on Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign. He enlisted in the Army and was awarded the Humanitarian Service Medal. Colton was deployed to Eastern Europe and was there when war broke out in Ukraine.

I invite you to go to bennettforidaho.com and see for yourself the endorsements or go to one of his town halls and learn about this God-fearing, patriotic husband and father. We need him in swampy Boise, where the battle is.

Daniel Crawford


Vote early for Bennett

Beginning Monday, Latah County voters can begin early voting in Idaho’s primary election. For voters looking for insights on candidates, I draw attention to our state’s Legislature and Colton Bennett, who is running for state House seat 6A.

Over the last year that I’ve known Colton, I’ve found him to be more interested in what voters think than most individuals who run for public office. He listens intently, researches topics and routinely asks lots of questions before reaching conclusions.

He is the up-and-coming leadership that Latah County has needed for so long. He is energetic, thoughtful, able to cut through ambiguities and bureaucratic red tape, and demonstrates a continuous interest in solving problems, not just kicking all the cans down the road.

Lately, with politicians in Boise focused mostly on culture, there has been a dearth of interest in all the other topics that need tending to. From agriculture, property taxes, emergency medical services and Idaho’s energy sector, I’ve been taken aback at how many problems he is already unraveling and proposing solutions to.

And speaking of solutions, Colton Bennett is a solid conservative and therefore isn’t a proponent of ever-expanding government. I believe he’ll represent the average Idahoan well.

I’ll be voting for Colton primarily because he represents a fresh, new day in Idaho policymaking. Voters can find out more at bennettforidaho.com and I plan to vote early ... at the courthouse. Otherwise, local voting locations will be open May 21. Vote Bennett for the Idaho Legislature, seat 6A.

John Wright


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Consider Bennett

Consider Colton Bennett for District 6 seat A for your legislator.

We need a conservative Republican who works for all of us, won’t bow to the leadership, the lobbyists or big business, and who will assess each bill to see if it will raise taxes or grow government.

We need a legislator that we don’t have to let know how we feel about every bill. That’s why we choose solid conservative legislators. Colton Bennett will be that legislator.

Rebecca Crea


Endorsing Bennett

Colton Bennett: what a breath of fresh air on our local political scene. A veteran, conservative and family man who loves and understands the principles of freedom enshrined in our founding documents.

At one particular event, we saw him under pressure from a barrage of hostile questions from Democrats who attended. Though the atmosphere was contentious, he didn’t appear in the least flustered, but answered each question respectfully out of a rich and detailed knowledge of the issues from a conservative viewpoint. It was very impressive, not to mention his long list of endorsements.

We have been hoping for a good challenger to state Rep. Lori McCann, who has proven by her voting record to be quite a disappointment to conservatives.

We have visited with Colton at length and believe he will do an excellent job in Boise truly representing us and our Republican Party platform. We are therefore, very happy to endorse Colton Bennett for Idaho State Representative, seat A.

Tom and Linda Blewett


Is it the climate?

It must have pained the Tribune to publish “Idaho ranks fourth safest state” for violent crime according to FBI data (April 27).

The Pew Research Center ranks Idaho fourth highest in firearm ownership per capita. Seems that the Idaho guns are way less likely to jump out of homes, cars and pockets and injure someone. It must be the climate; or the religious zealots; or the uneducated hillbillies.

Oh, how I long to be back.

Stan Eccles


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