Much-needed clarity
The headline “Idaho goes to the Supreme Court to argue that pregnant people are second-class citizens” pretty much reveals how The Intercept sees Idaho’s case before the U.S. Supreme Court (, April 19).
While the Tribune is running “OMG, OBGYNs are fleeing the state” in an endless loop, Jordan Smith’s article provides much-needed clarity regarding the arguments in the case.
Of particular interest is this section: “Idaho points out that the word ‘abortion’ is not included in the EMTALA (Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act) statute, claiming there was no understanding that Congress meant to include abortion care among potential stabilizing treatments required under the law. In contrast, the statute does include the phrase ‘unborn child,’ which according to the state, means that the well-being of the fetus must be weighed in addressing medical emergencies.
“EMTALA only requires doctors to provide stabilizing treatments that are ‘available’ at a given hospital, and since abortion is illegal, it is thus unavailable. And because abortion is unavailable in Idaho, a hospital could legally transfer a patient somewhere else for care, presumably without being accused of dumping.”
If Idaho is right, then the executive branch’s directive on EMTALA is another case of pro-choice forces depending on perceived emanations and penumbras from a nonlegislative branch instead of upon lawmaking.
If EMTALA should include reasonable provisions covering emergency procedures that necessitate abortion, and it should, then it’s up to Congress to amend it to stipulate such.
Said amendment can and should still happen ... .
Thomas A. Hennigan
Be kind or be quiet
Jim Griffin (letter, April 10), I see no matter what, you want to be miserable. Someone needs help? Too bad, that is their own fault, is your mentality.
People who show kindness and help other people out seems to put a burr under your saddle. You think low-income housing is a bad idea because your tax dollars goes to help them out with their rent.
Are you aware our infrastructure is set up to help the people of America? Our infrastructure was set up to pay for roads, farmers and people in need.
Why are you so upset at the poor people and the homeless people? Do you know anything about medical problems or even addiction issues?
Were you there helping clean up the homeless encampment behind Walmart, because some of the homeless did help clean up. And — surprise suprise — when you don’t have access to a garbage can, there is going to be trash on the ground. It’s the same with no access to a bathroom.
Now, as I said once before, if you cannot be kind and lend a hand, then be quiet.
Chandra Berg