OpinionMarch 20, 2022


Certain House legislators are using bullying tactics and misinformation to try and push through legislation that removes “harmful” materials from public and school libraries as well as universities and museums. No definition was given of what is considered “harmful.” School and library staff could be fined $1,000 and/or a year in jail for doing their jobs.

Book banning is the most widespread form of censorship in the United States, with children’s literature being the primary target. Advocates for removal of certain books fear children will be swayed by its contents, which they regard as potentially dangerous.

Freedom of information is an essential foundation of democracy. If we let government leaders start taking away our right to choose what we want to read, what comes next?

Voting rights are also under attack.

The American Psychological Association says: “Bullying is a repeated, physical, social, or psychological behavior that refers to the misuse of power by a person or group towards another individual or people. ...”

The legislators who sponsored and passed this bill should be voted out. Who wants bullies in charge of our state?

Thankfully, the Senate has shelved this bill. Hopefully, it will never see the light of day. ...

Don’t tell me what my child can or cannot read. That is the parent’s job.

No one likes a bully, so quit trying to force your personal views onto the people of Idaho. And get back to the business of running the Gem State, not the Bullying State.

Debra R. Allen


Clean up Lewiston

About five or six years ago, there was a article in the Lewiston Tribune about the so-called “code enforcement,” fining people for all of their old junker cars.

It was said they would be fining these people $100 for non-running automobiles that litter Lewiston.

What ever happened to that? I’ll tell you.

The so-called “code enforcement” is a big fat joke.

All they do is sit on their butts and collect their overpaid checks.

You might see the dog catcher out driving around.

To the city of Lewiston: Are you not proud of your city? You sure wouldn’t think so, the way it looks.

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Start fining these polluters like you said you were going to do.

Get off your butts and do just that.

Put me in charge. I’ll make sure this city gets cleaned up.

And to Nez Perce County: Get those dumps on Gun Club Road removed.

That’s the first thing I’d like to see if I were first moving to Lewiston.

Instead of taxing us to death, use the money for paving our roads or finally making this city a place where we will be proud to live. No raises for public servants.

Tami Dean


Pie in the sky

The March 2 Lewiston Tribune headline stated: “Biden: Freedom will always triumph over tyranny.”

Say what? This is from Mr. Mandate himself. He cannot actually believe that pie-in-the sky statement. ...

Liberals such as President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are convinced they know how to run your life better than you. You will school your children according to their laws. You will get vaccinated according to their rules. You will allow your property and income to be confiscated through sky-high taxes to support those who choose to not work.

Biden has shut down development of U.S. oil production. The result is clearly seen at the gas pump.

Vladimir Putin is well aware liberals such as Biden are all bark and no bite.

Biden will negotiate the loss of Eastern Europe back to the old Soviet Union. If we had continued with development of our own oil production, foment in the Ukraine would have had little impact on our energy prices.

I can rephrase Biden’s statement to one that is true: “Freedom will eventually triumph over tyranny.” This is true because Jesus Christ is king of kings. Through faith in him we can each achieve true liberty. ...

“Where the spirit of the lord is, there is liberty. ...” II Corinthians 3:17, 18.

Eventually, all sin, corruption, tyranny and illness will be deleted from this universe by Jesus Himself. The problems you and I face today are exceedingly temporary compared to a very real eternity.

Keith Borgelt


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