OpinionJanuary 23, 2024

Time to stop talking

It can be difficult to put your finger on what is up with Marjorie Taylor Greene, but watching a recent event let me figure it out. The woman is incredibly arrogant and appears to have an ego the size of Cleveland.

When Hunter Biden showed up at a public meeting and then left, she said, “Hunter Biden is terrified of strong, conservative Republican women. I was about to speak to him. What a coward.” I watched Mr. Biden pretty closely when he left and he did not look especially terrified. Moreover, I took a good look at his attorney, who appeared to be a fairly tough, serious guy and he did not look terrified either.

No one is terrified of Greene, except maybe her cleaning lady. I would say that part of the problem with Ms. Greene is that her mouth is constantly open and she is constantly talking. Unfortunately, what comes out is twaddle. Evidently, no one takes the time to tell her she is embarrassing herself, so she has gotten this elevated idea of her importance.

It is hard to listen when you are talking, so it’s time for her to stop talking and listen. Maybe she can learn something and tamp down that ego.

Danny Radakovich


Read Islamic texts

For anyone who claims Islam can be a peaceful religion, read the Quran.

“Kill them wherever you find them” appears in the Quran at 2:191 and 4:89, and 9:5, saying: “Kill the idolaters (nonbelievers) wherever you find them.”

Despite the willful delusions of Islamic apologists, devout Muslims abide by these Islamic texts and believe that brutal murder is a “righteous” path to heaven. This is why their suicide bombers are glorified and considered to be heroes (martyrs) and saints.

This neverending “struggle” for world domination, is called “jihad” and leaves no room for dissenters. In Islam, doubt or disagreement of any kind is a death sentence. Those who pretend otherwise are lying or delusional. Islam is a death cult, and it’s coming for you.

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J.C. Passmore

Elk City

Hypocrisy reigns

Richard Eggleston’s column published Christmas Eve was incomplete. I’m unqualified to opine on religion. I’m just a retired construction stiff. Today, when Donald Trump Christians and Republicans proselytize, hypocrisy reigns.

Fortunately Richard, religion ain’t rocket science. When God invented humanity, we were cave dwellers, uneducated, wandering aimlessly. As evolution “progressed,” man woke, except for congressional Republicans who don paper bags and believe the theory of “devolution.”

Eggleston lampooned the Miller-Urey experiment, using I.L. Cohen’s “Darwin Was Wrong: A Study in Probabilities.” Miller-Urey sought to re-create amino acids present in prehistoric Earth. Doc says five were produced.

However, according to “Why Evolution is True,” in the 1970s, using “better analytical equipment,” scientists repeated the Miller experiments, creating 33 amino acids.

I reject Eggleston’s opinion because he and former conservatives — put creation aside for the moment — ignore a metastasizing cancer called fascism, believe a compulsive liar and the deception in Fox News’ historical revision of Jan. 6.

Trump’s fascism includes executing generals, jailing judges, ending reproductive health rights and “terminate the Constitution.” Now, this dunce blames the Civil War on Lincoln because Abe would not negotiate with traitors.

Eggleston included passages from evolutionist Jennifer Clack’s book, “Gaining Ground,” a weak stab at discrediting evolution. Try harder Richard. I will.

Polling indicates the cultists believe Trump is a man of faith. If that is true, the biblical theory of abracadabra for six days, perfection reigns, is a farce. I believe, God, as the greatest forensic anthropologist, created evolution.

Jim Roach


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