No vote for draft dodgers
Because Bill Mulligan is a fellow veteran, I don’t question his sincerity arguing that Joe Biden should be replaced by Donald Trump as our commander in chief. I do question his conclusion.
Trump is the person who dodged the draft by asserting he had bone spurs with no evidence to validate the claim. This is the person who mocked war hero John McCain’s inability to raise his arms above his shoulders because of torture by the Viet Cong. This is the person who called soldiers interred at a military cemetery “suckers” and “losers.” This is the person who said that Gen. William Miley, chairperson of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, should be executed for putting his loyalty to the nation and its Constitution above personal loyalty to him.
This is not a partisan issue. It is a character issue. I never voted for Bill Clinton because he was a draft dodger. I won’t be voting for Trump for the same reason.
John Bradbury
Good homeless article
Rachel Sun’s Jan. 21 article headlined “Life at the homeless camp” was not an easy article to write nor to read. But thank you for doing it and to the Tribune for printing it. It had lots of valuable information plus points of view.
Each generation brings us new issues and problems. This is one that’s neither comfortable to confront nor will it be easy or swift to find solutions. These are real people with real issues and needs, and all of us have needed a boost sometimes.
I hope there will be follow-up articles and reports. And there will be reactions and actions to deal with the issues.
My major concern is homelessness is becoming more common and present in more communities. Even small rural communities have similar issues.
There are no magic solutions but there needs to be leadership and remedies created to find and fund programs and solutions.
Keep writing.
Louise Regelin
Ordained by God?
I noted that some evangelicals in Iowa have opined that Donald Trump was “ordained by God” to come help them.
Well, there is not much doubt about it. God does work in mysterious ways, often not understood by us mere mortals. Indeed, we must also consider that, when Jesus was on this Earth in human form, he associated a lot with sinners.
All that being said, however, one is left to wonder why God would ordain a lying, cheating, adulterous, lecherous, self-aggrandizing, loud-mouthed bully like Trump to do anything very significant. If Trump is ordained, as some evangelicals evidently believe, then that is further proof that God still really does work in mysterious ways.
Danny Radakovich