OpinionFebruary 24, 2023

Counting on Little

Each day the Idaho Legislature in session, I worry what undemocratic and horrible bill will be introduced.

The far-right extremists, also known as the Idaho Taliban, will stop at nothing to try to control our lives instead of fixing actual problems Idahoans face. Real problems include adequately funding public schools, addressing the shortage of affordable housing, property tax relief for homeowners and access to medical care,

Bills to take existing rights away include restricting interstate travel, establishing dress codes, restricting voting, banning vaccines and inserting your county sheriff and prosecutor into your doctor’s visit. Ironically some of the legislators who cry “liberty” and “freedom” are the first in line to try to take your rights away.

Their attacks continue against public schools while giving unregulated handouts to homeschools, religious and private schools. Threats of a $10,000 per book fine when someone objects to it being on a shelf would destroy public libraries or greatly increase taxes to pay for them.

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Which has more potential to harm a child — a book or a hateful bigot?

Don’t get me wrong: The legislature includes some decent folks who are honestly trying to do the right thing. Unfortunately, making an impassioned speech then voting in favor of a hateful bill is still wrong. Watch what they do, not what they say.

Our last hope is that Gov. Brad Little will veto these horrible, undemocratic bills. With his landslide reelection last year, I hope he has the courage. We the people want to keep our rights.

Norma Staaf


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