OpinionDecember 17, 2023

Seek help

If you sent or are planning to send $200 to swamp monster and fired Congressman George Santos for a personal video on Cameo, please seek help.

Russell Gee


Missing weekly TV listings

Well, it appears the Lewiston Tribune has done it again.

I called to see what happened to my TV guide and was told that they no longer provide it but put a daily one in the paper each day. I explained that that doesn’t do much good since I won’t get my Sunday paper until Monday afternoon.

I am sure I am not the only one with this problem. I don’t notice my cost of my subscription going down any but once again, I get less for my money.

These kind of things do nothing to encourage me to continue paying for something I keep getting less for.

Sharol Ward

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Ethnic cleansing in Gaza

Israeli officials are now openly proclaiming their goal for Gaza is ethnic cleansing. Hamas isn’t the target, but the lame excuse for genocide against the Palestinians.

No amount of ludicrous interpretation of the Geneva Conventions or other mindless attempts to discredit those who speak out against this U.S.-sanctioned genocide can refute the facts.

Israel is deliberately attacking civilian targets in Gaza because Benjamin Netanyahu knows he has the blessings of the U.S.

Israeli Maj. Gen. Itzhak Brik says, “All our missiles, the ammunition, the bombs, the planes, it’s all from the U.S. The minute they turn off the tap we can’t keep fighting; no more capability. Everyone here understands that. We can’t do this cleansing without the United States. Period.”

The U.S. is the poster child for hypocrisy and genocide, beginning with “America’s Holocaust,” which almost eradicated Native Americans from the face of the Earth, and inspired Adolph Hitler’s attempts to eradicate Europe’s Jewish populations, to the mindless conflagration in Vietnam, where this country bombed hospitals and other civilian targets in Hanoi.

How many millions were killed and displaced by the fake weapons of mass destruction invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, yada yada yada? How many innocent people obliterated by U.S. bombs or hopelessly maimed for nothing?

What did the United States accomplish with its warmongering, other than getting chased out with its tail between its legs after senselessly torching trillions of taxpayer dollars, and leaving behind a trail of tears and chaos?

Mike Epstein


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