Did pandemic end?
Yesterday when I was at the Valley Medical Center, I noticed that the only two people who were wearing masks were me and my doctor. Everyone else, including the people who worked there, was maskless.
Then I stopped by Winco and more people there had masks on — but not many.
I’m starting to wonder: Did I miss something? Has the omicron variant magically disappeared? Are the hospitals free of COVID-19 patients?
Is the pandemic over? Or did it stop at the Idaho state line and no one told me?
Sharon Taylor
Reconsider coverage
Every morning when I read the paper it’s the same ole stuff: murders, sex offenders, pedophiles, drugs, COVID-19, etc. It’s not just locally but many of it is from other areas outside the Lewiston Tribune’s readership that I can’t imagine that anyone in the area really cares about. Who in our area really cares about the murders, sex offenses, etc., that happen on the West Coast?
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, there actually is news that is not being reported that I know people would be interested in much closer to home. All you have to do is check what is happening in Walla Walla, the Tri-Cities and other areas around us.
It’s not that hard. As an example, do you think people would be interested in this story out of Walla Walla?
Kerry Rae Moser
Give him a break
First, I want to say amen to Lee and Gay Adams’ letter.
I have personally known Michael “Mike” Manuel for several years. He has been my friend and a helper when you have a need. He has faithfully brought commodities to us when we could not get out or drive. He has come to help at a moment’s notice.
He was at my place an hour before he was arrested and I saw no sign that he had been drinking. In fact, I have never seen him intoxicated and I have seen too many.
He has had bad luck with his vehicles, which I have helped him with. He is only trying to survive and help his good wife, Louise.
Therefore, he needs a break — rehabilitation — not jail time.
Mike is good man, my friend, brother in Christ and he has been in our prayers continually.
May God bless you, my friend Mike.
John Hahn
Meet Moon
Come and meet secretary of state candidate Dorothy Moon at the Lewiston Community Center on Monday at noon.
Pizza and refreshments will be provided.
Heather Blount