OpinionAugust 3, 2023

Voting with my dollar

I want to let you know why I subscribed to your newspaper.

I’ve been a reader of the Tribune for years, but have always gotten it for free through the gym, work, the library. After reading “The Chaos Machine: The Inside Story of How Social Media Rewired Our Minds and Our World” by Max Fisher, I was troubled to learn of the link between people receiving their news through social media and violence in those areas. The blame for Myanmar’s genocide has reportedly been set at the feet of Facebook, among many other acts of violence around the world that can be blamed on unchecked facts spread via social media ... .

This is concerning, as I’ve already seen how Amazon.com has run many small businesses out of town with the promise of “two-day delivery.” I now wait at least a week, if not more, for most of the items I get from Amazon and have lost many shopping options in town. I’m concerned the same may happen with journalism.

I decided to subscribe to the newspaper even though I can access it for free, to vote with my dollar. I think the work you are doing as local journalists is incredibly important and hope that you are able to continue in this work.

I would also encourage your readers to pick up Fisher’s book, and see if it doesn’t change the way they want to interact with social media/Google/YouTube.

In case this is encouraging to your team, thank you.

Ange Movius


Thanks to Jason Aldean

Thank you Jason Aldean, for telling how many of us feel about the violence, robbery and assaults.

Thank you Jason Aldean, for your song titled “Try That in a Small Town.” I don’t know how many times I have heard friends and family say to try that in their town: Kooskia, Riggins, Genesee, Grangeville or a thousand other small towns.

The people in these towns just are not going to put up with the violence and stupidity that goes on in the big cities. It’s just that simple.

Steve Pogue


Where’s the rest?

You’ve done it again. You’ve dropped the last line or two from a story.

Last Thursday, the article by The Associated Press, regarding the son of the president, and his plea deal being held, drops the end of the story on Page 5A.

Where is Paul Harvey when we need him?

Gerry Reviea

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Woke means aware

A.F.Banco’s July 21 cartoon in the Tribune of a black hole labeled “WOKE HOLE” got me to laugh, not because it was funny, but for how mentally twisted it was.

He’s trying to make “woke” to be a bad word. Being aware is admirable. Why would he want to sell the idea that it is preferable to be unaware?

A black hole that is swallowing up “Common Sense” — are you kidding? Maybe Hollywood is OK. Using the word incorrectly could be part of the disease in our national discourse.

If you recite the Pledge of Allegiance, with your hand over your heart, and you sincerely say “liberty and justice for all,” then you’re woke. That’s what it means.

It’s sort of an aspirational idea. It’s not likely achievable, but it’s nice to think we’re going in that direction.

Gordon Hoffman


Ponder these questions

Those of you who, for whatever reason, feel you must support Donald Trump need to ponder the following:

Would you want your children and/or grandchildren to share his morals when they get big?

Would blatant, neverending lying be OK with you?

Would a total disrespect for females be OK with you?

Would you want them to deny wrongdoing even when they got caught red-handed?

Would you want them to pitch a fit and fall down in it whenever they lost at anything?

Would you want them to always attempt to pass blame on others when the blame is theirs alone?

I didn’t think so.

Slim DeWitt


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