Is there enough staff?
After five years and seven months, there will be no excuses that the jail is full. The new one will be ready.
With more than 100 beds, crime will be cleaned up, and Clarkston and Asotin County officers can and will finally do their duty as they took an oath to do. No more excuses.
Oops. I forgot. Will they have enough staff to take care of the overflow of arrests? If not, you can pass another levy. What’s an increase in your taxes to all you voters?
Jim Griffin
Out-of-context Bible
Recently, Bible verses have been taken out of context for proof of righteousness.
Mike Ruskovich (Tribune letter, Jan. 8) tells us Jesus is advocating separation of church and state in Luke 20:25. One only needs to read the five previous verses, Luke 20:20-24, to realize this most certainly is not true.
Separation of church and state is not found in any of the founding documents, much less the holy Bible. It is a line taken from a Thomas Jefferson letter written in 1802 to the Danbury Baptist Association.
Mike Ruskovich also alludes to Revelation 22:19. Again, one can find broader context by reading the following and last two verses of Revelation, Chapter 22.
Why is it paramount to Mike Ruskovich that the reader believe Jesus agrees with him? I find that question intriguing and interesting after reading his letter.
Kevin O. Thomason
One, indivisible nation
No one is above the law, right Democrats and minions? How many years have you repeated this message? It sounds like you might be choking on your own vomit in the months ahead.
America is one nation, under God, indivisible (meaning impossible to divide or separate) with liberty and justice for all. Eighty million people are praying that we see justice for all who have suffered under Joe “China Joe Bama” Biden and his followers or leaders. We haven’t had a leader for four years, just word salad.
God bless Donald J. Trump and his Cabinet. Release Jan. 6 prisoners. Let’s put the real people who are destroying this great nation in prison, once and for all.
As China Joe Bama leaves the crack house — oops, the White House — he is leaving a trap for Trump. Goodbye CJB; 50 years is enough.
God bless all who serve to protect this great country.
Marge Lunders