OpinionOctober 20, 2024

Asking a question

The question of the day: Is there anything more blinding-ly, stunningly, profoundly stupid than telling a Native American to, “ ... go back where you came from”?

Credit that one to our very own Idaho state Sen. Dan Foreman. Mr. Foreman by the way, is not an Idaho native, if that helps you to answer the question.

Steve Small


Prop 1 questions

Of the 872,794 registered voters in Idaho, 308,874 weren’t affiliated with a political party, according to our secretary of state’s 2022 website.

But because of a restrictive 2011 Idaho law, Idaho voters must declare allegiance to a political party to vote in its closed primaries. This blocks many Idahoans from participating in these elections, yet all pay for elections with their taxes.

Wouldn’t we have a more representative slate of candidates in November if more voices were heard in the primaries? Wouldn’t this make elected representatives accountable to a broader array of voters on issues of local importance? Idaho’s Proposition 1 would do this.

Wouldn’t it be better for our state if we could rank our choices for office no matter the political party, rather than having to choose just one candidate nominated by one of the two established parties? Eighty percent of voters in Utah and Alaska (both ranked choice states) find the process “simple and easy to understand” according to the Idaho Voter Guide.

Let’s reinstate open primaries, allow ranked choice voting, and give all Idaho voters a meaningful say in our elections. Spread the word: There is strong opposition from vested interests. Understanding and supporting Proposition 1 is critical.

Mary DuPree


Vote no on Prop 1

Idaho voters faced with Proposition 1 on the ballot this November will have an easy decision to vote no on this shameful lie.

The out-of-state, big money proponents of the initiative call it a return to open primaries. They are misleading the public about the true nature of the measure. Proposition 1, according to the voters pamphlet, would: 1. Replace voter selection of party nominees with a top-four primary; and 2. Require a ranked choice voting system for general elections.

The primaries would be a single, long list of anybody wanting to run, any party, even from jail, like in Alaska right now. And ranked choice voting is like casino gambling. Make your picks, pull the handle and let the computer decide who wins. Audits and recounts are impossible.

Why should we throw away our vote when Idaho already has a trusted voting system? Vote no on Prop 1.

Bill Gaffney


Vickie Nostrant shows up

Vickie Nostrant is the best candidate for Idaho’s District 7A House of Representatives.

Vickie shows up for Idahoans in many ways. She travels throughout the 7A District of Lewiston and Nez Perce County, as well as Adams County and Idaho County, to talk with residents, learn their concerns and listen to their ideas. She has shown up as a nurse, a veteran, a community volunteer and volunteer EMT. She has shown up across the USA as a nurse in various disaster relief situations.

Vickie shows up to help when and where she is needed and we need her now in our Idaho House of Representatives. Vickie seeks to listen and learn all aspects of issues in order to make the best public and financial decisions for our communities. Vickie also shows up her opposing candidate because she attended the League of Women Voter bipartisan candidate forum at the Lewiston City Library on Oct. 2 and candidate Kyle Harris did not attend.

Additionally, she studies the issues and does not parrot and simply repeat a party line. It is easy to find information online about Vickie, her experience and her goals. Vickie is willing to problem solve with other legislators and she will show up at the Legislature just as she shows up at many community events, on time and willing to participate to the fullest.

Vickie Nostrant shows up for you. Please vote Vickie Nostrant for District 7A House of Representatives.

Susan Scully


No to Dan Foreman

We like Dan Foreman. We voted for him in 2022 to assume a Senate seat in the Idaho Legislature ... because on most of the social, moral and fiscal issues, including, of course, abortion, we agree with him.

But all has changed in 2024. Earlier this year, at a Republican gathering in Viola, I asked the man point blank if he supported Israel, and if he thought Israel to be our best and most loyal ally in the Middle East. He answered with a resounding “yes,” followed by mutterings of approval from the audience.

That finished us off. We refuse to vote for any candidate, Republican or Democrat, who actively supports the Zionist Jewish regime. Moreover, I plan to boycott this election cycle altogether. Neither of the presidential candidates, for example, takes positions vis-a-vis Israel of which we can approve.

I’ve written before, and will write again in unequivocal language, that modern Israel is a criminal rogue state, ever since its inception in 1948. There is no justification from the Bible for its existence.

From David Ben-Gurion’s reign to the present, faux Israel has had one singular objective in place: to drive out or kill the indigenous Palestinian Arabs; to occupy permanently Judea and Samaria, Gaza and the Golan Heights; and to eventually expand further into Iraq, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and parts of Egypt to form a “Greater Israel.”

We don’t understand how any sincere American Christian can support what amounts to the Gambino Crime Family ... .

Timothy Moore


Vote no on HJR 5

The secretary of state sent out a “Voter Pamphlet Presidential Edition” to Idahoans. I read, with a lot of interest, the only two items discussed in the guide: Amendment to the Idaho Constitution — HJR 5, and an explanation of the Open Primary Initiative, as it is commonly called.

I volunteered to collect signatures for the initiative and am very glad it will be on the ballot in November, and very concerned, if it passes, Mike Moyle will attempt to overturn the will of Idahoans.

HJR 5 is more complicated. It is Section 2, Article VI, of the Constitution of the State of Idaho Relating Qualifications of Electors. The section currently reads, “Every male or female citizen of the United States, eighteen years old, who has resided in this state, and in the county where he or she offers to vote for the period provided by law, if registered as provided by law, is a qualified elector.”

The amendment reads, “No person who is not a citizen of the United States shall be a qualified elector in any election held within the state of Idaho.”

Amending the Constitution is a very serious endeavor and should only be considered when absolutely necessary.

I am not aware of a significant influx of immigrants, especially undocumented ones, who have voted in Idaho. If someone can point me in the right direction to see how many there are, I would appreciate it.

I urge electors/voters to vote no on HJR 5.

Kathy Weber


No vote for Foreman

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In response to Idaho Sen. Dan Foreman’s comment, “Why don’t you go back to where you came from” and “I am tired of the liberal bullsh--” and then leaving an event: Dan, I am a registered Republican, a Liz Cheney Republican, an Adam Kinzinger Republican, a John Sydney McCain III Republican, a Ronald Reagan Republican with 12 great-grandchildren, so there’s a chance I might have been voting Republican before you.

If you don’t have the courage and respect others right to express a differing opinion, how on earth can you expect others to respect your opinion? You aren’t demonstrating leadership as it appears you would only represent those in agreement with you but not all citizens. You won’t be getting my vote.

Ken Fitzgerald


Voting for Julia Parker

Regarding Mr. Dan Foreman’s horrendous behavior at the Kendrick candidate forum, and after: Who in the world would want this man to represent them? We judge the character of those who presume to “represent” us, as well as his temperament and knowledge — or, we certainly should be doing this.

A man who verbally assaults a young mother in front of her two children, shocks all in the room with his vitriol and yells racial slurs, telling her — a descendent of the original people of Idaho — “go back where you came from,” has no business representing anyone I know here, in Idaho. I believe Mr. Forman proved Trish Carter-Goodheart’s point in that despicable moment. Yes, we do have a problem with racism, discrimination and misogyny here in Idaho. Thank you for your outrageous example of racism in action, Mr. Foreman.

To date, Mr. Foreman hasn’t offered Mrs. Carter-Goodheart, or those horrified onlookers, any apology. I have read his response, however, in which he blames the victims for his uncontrolled outrage.

Idaho deserves better than this. District 6 deserves to be represented by a person willing and able to engage in discourse, to listen and work with all peoples for the common good. That person is most certainly Julia Parker.

Helen S. Hawley


Your vote matters

Republican Dan Foreman, District 6 candidate for Idaho’s state Legislature, proved to all of us he’s a racist at the candidate forum in Kendrick.

I have this to say to Foreman: I’m so sick and tired of your conservative lies and bull----. Why don’t you do the good and decent people who live in Idaho a favor and move out of the state? Nobody wants a racist like you living in Idaho. We are better than that.

I would also like to remind Mr. Foreman that Native Americans were here first. White people were the ones who invaded their homes and took their land. He is living on stolen land.

I urge everyone voting in Idaho to know who you are voting for. Do some research about the people running for office. If they have already served in our state Legislature, find out how they voted on bills that have affected your lives personally. Don’t just vote for someone because you recognize the name. Think about how their votes will affect the lives of Idaho’s upcoming generations for years. You are voting for the future of Idaho and the United States of America.

Your vote matters.

Joan Vanhorn


Vote yes on Prop 1

I cherish the U.S. Constitution and our government, “of the people, by the people and for the people.” That is why I support the Open Primaries Initiative.

Representative self-government, aka democracy, only works if citizens are engaged, informed and confident that their voices are heard. Sadly, many Idahoans doubt the value of democracy in 2024 because they feel shut out of the process and they believe their elected representatives are beholden to special interests.

In an open primary, candidates must earn the support of the broader electorate to advance to the instant run-off general election. Voters will have to make informed judgment about candidates instead of voting for the R or D or L or I after the candidate’s name on the ballot.

Some opponents of Prop 1 question ranked choice voting in the general election. Scott McIntosh’s Sept. 4 Idaho Statesman column clearly demonstrates the value of this instant run-off system. It is unlikely that any candidate will receive 50% in a four-person general election field. Ranked choice voting eliminates the expense of an additional election.

Let’s make democracy work for all Idahoans. Vote yes on Prop 1.

Rose Marie Parsons


Vote Parker and Dawes

I think we can all agree that we want what is best for Idaho kids, not only our own but all the kids in our communities.

The “Idaho Children Are Primary 2024 Kids Matter Index” rates our state legislators on their votes beneficial to our kids. All Democratic Idaho legislators scored 91% or higher while Republicans scored failing grades such as Brandon Mitchell’s 50%, and Dan Foreman’s 36%.

We are extremely lucky to have fantastic Democratic alternatives running to replace our current, failing state representatives. As a former teacher and community leader, we can be sure that Kathy Dawes has kids’ best interests at heart and that she will exceed 91% with her votes in the Idaho House.

As a nurse, Julia Parker has spent her career caring for people. I know Julia through service on Moscow city commissions. Her role as a Moscow city councilor has been to help make good things happen. She cuts to the chase and is practical about what we can do to improve life for Moscow residents. She epitomizes the expression “sensible leadership.”

Both Dawes and Parker support investing in public education to assure a “uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools,” and oppose voucher schemes that are fiscally irresponsible and take funds away from public schools. Both candidates also recognize climate change as a serious problem that we must address.

Join me in voting for Dawes and Parker. Giving our kids the best opportunities is what we all want.

Al Poplawsky


Vote for Lori McCann

We have known Lori McCann for more than two years in her capacity as a member of the Idaho House of Representatives. We have found her to be one of the best representatives we have in our great state.

Lori is constantly looking for input into her voting decisions from all of Idaho’s voters. She supports our educational system, law enforcement, first responders and military. Lori does not bend to outside influences like the Idaho Freedom Foundation or the Republican Central Committees. These groups did not vote her into office; the constituents of District 6 did and they are who she listens to regarding their concerns.

Lori is an honest and ethical lawmaker, something that has become a rarity these days. We wish we were in Rep. McCann’s voting district so we could cast our votes for her.

We encourage anyone who does live in District 6 to vote for Rep. Lori McCann.

Lynn and Sue Guyer


Malden had to wait

Do you wonder why Donald Trump is falsely accusing the Biden administration of not sending federal assistance to red states, even though the governors of those states said that Joe Biden sent aid and told them to call him if they needed more. Well, it’s because that’s how Trump operates.

Remember the Babb Fire in 2020 that wiped out the town of Malden, Wash.? Trump refused to send federal aid because it was in a blue state. It was only after Biden came into office, five months after the fire that federal disaster relief was sent.

Can you imagine what would have happened if Trump had won reelection? Malden may still not have gotten federal aid.

Charlotte Omoto


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