OpinionDecember 29, 2024

Appreciate Malloy

I want to express my pleasure in reading Chuck Malloy’s column in the Tribune’s Dec. 15 edition.

I crossed Chuck’s path many years ago when he began reporting at the Legislature and always found him to offer an honest and evenhanded story of events. He understands Idaho politics and portrays them as they are.

In this age of flaming polarized opinion, Chuck offers a calm view of reality.

Todd L. Maddock


The horror in Gaza

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Anytime anyone criticizes Israel for anything, Israel apologists immediately hop up to castigate and label them antisemitic, uneducated, ignorant, Hamas-lovers, yada yada yada.

The typical Zionist hatred for those whose lands they are colonizing is seen by their reference to them as “so-called-Palestinians.” Former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir said of the Palestinian people in 1972, “They don’t exist.” Seriously?

Any conscious, sane person would surely refute Israel’s insanely ludicrous argument that it isn’t bombing, burning, starving, torturing, destroying, demolishing and eradicating every means of survival of the “so-called Palestinians” to exterminate them from their land.

The radical Zionist colonists have never even recognized the Palestinians as human, while committing genocide on them for over a century. The horror in Gaza is constantly on display for the desensitized world to see as Israel continues the barbaric slaughter, always in pious, self-righteousness.

“Lobbying For Zionism On Both Sides of the Atlantic,” “The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine,” “The Biggest Prison on Earth: A History of Gaza and the Occupied Territories” and “Ten Myths About Israel” by Ilan Pape, “What Does Israel Fear From Palestine?” by Raja Shehahdeh and “On Palestine” by Noam Chomsky are available in the local library system. Israel apologists would never bestow any credence upon any of these texts, but maybe some Tribune readers might.

There is always a universe of discrepancy between whatever Israel says it is doing (courtesy of the U.S.) and what the rest of the world sees it is doing. Why? The most successful advertising campaign in history?

Mike Epstein


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