OpinionOctober 15, 2024

The need for green

Moscow is a beautiful, green city. But as I drive along Pullman Road, I see many businesses with not one speck of natural beauty and environmental awareness represented upon the paved-over land from which they make a living. If this is legal, it should not be.

Dear editor, please, at least once a week, commend those businesses which cherish and appreciate the need for oxygen-supplying vegetation. Walmart is a great respector of the environment, and our most recent business, Mod Pizza, shows a beautiful and generous display of honoring the beauty and need for green.

Nancy C. Parry


Won’t vote for these

I will not vote for a convicted felon, rapist, liar, misogynist, crook, facist or a want-to-be dictator.

Ken McLaughlin


Vote for a patriot

Wayne Thill, from Uniontown, proprietor of Clarkston’s Thill’s Jewel Box for 40 years, landed on Omaha Beach on the second day of D-Day in World War II. Dead soldiers were already strewn across the beach. He followed Gen. George Patton to Berlin, liberating Nazi concentration camps along the way.

Seventy years later, my father’s eyes welled up as Quilts of Valor ... gave him a quilt as “a universal symbol and token of thanks, solace, and remembrance to those who serve in harm’s way” to protect our freedoms.

Donald Trump denigrates our military. His own chief of staff confirmed stories, once thought unimaginable from a president, that “(Trump) thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs, are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ ” Trump suggested a 40-year veteran and former general should be executed for treason. Trump tried to use the hallowed ground at Arlington National Cemetery as a political backdrop. He belittled our nation’s highest military honor, the Medal of Honor.

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Trump excoriates the Afghanistan withdrawal, which saw a tragic loss of American lives. But where was Trump when U.S. intelligence told him that Russia was paying the Taliban to kill our soldiers? He stood mute.

Recently more than 700 national security and military officials endorsed Kamala Harris because she “defends America’s democratic ideals” while Trump “endangers” them. A vote for Harris is a vote for a patriot.

David Thill


Supporting Kathy Dawes

We are Moscow residents and expressing our support for Kathy Dawes for Idaho House Seat 6B. She can facilitate civil conversations that lead to finding common ground for solving important problems in Idaho to bring Idahoans together.

Kathy Dawes advocates support for public education pre-school through university level to assure a uniform and thorough system of public free common schools.

Kathy Dawes advocates reproductive health care. Women should have the fundamental right to make their own decisions without government intervention.

Kathy Dawes supports abolishing H710, returning to local library boards and school libraries control of book selection and availability policies.

Kathy’s opponent Brandon Mitchell voted against federal grant support for second- and third-year preschool programs totaling $12 million. He supports the voucher system taking away funding of public schools. He supports carrying concealed weapons in schools. He voted yes on all abortion bills. He voted no on Medicaid health care for new mothers. He voted no on six-month birth control.

Mr. Mitchell wanted to require citizen initiative petitions to have signatures from all legislative districts. This was determined unconstitutional by the Idaho Supreme court.

The choice is clear. Vote for Kathy Dawes because she cares about each of us.

Barbara Franano and Bob Spateholts


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