OpinionApril 9, 2007

I noted that Science Weekly had an interesting article on glacial-age reptiles. Documented with vivid photos and tape recordings, glaciologist Hiram Pinkney has undeniably proved that a rare turtle species, once abundant during the last ice age, has been discovered alive and well in the Arctic Ocean. Dubbed the Tortoise Mortise, the female of the species can weigh up to 300 pounds; it drills a square hole through the ice and lives on squid and plankton. There is some evidence that the Tortoise Mortise once populated ancient Glacial Lake Missoula. Since this great lake's outbreak has flooded the Lewiston area on numerous occasions, it stands to reason that fossil remains of the Tortoise Mortise exists in our area. These rare fossils are extremely valuable to science and if discovered during any excavation, you should immediately call Jim Fisher, Tribune editor, or myself so that we may document the discovery and provide a substantial award.

Carl Skyrman

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