Toscanini of opinion
All hail to the mighty Marty Trillhaase, the Tribune’s Toscanini-like orchestrator of opinion — imagine an exclamation point after opinion. Trillhaase mandates monotones.
On Dec. 28, Trillhaase printed a letter from Brian Rhoades and another from Jim Griffin about Danny “Yack-Yack” Radakovich, two clowns who strive to supplant China Joe Biden as ridiculous loudmouths. Rhoades and Yack-Yack both suffer from terminal logorrhea.
Imagine Trillhaase chortling to himself as he adds the ramblings of those two unhinged goombahs to the out-and-out manipulative disinformation and misinformation purveyed by The Associated Press.
He might well be concluding “The public cannot possibly know which end is up.”
I nominate Trillhaase for the Soros-Gates Veracity award.
Bridger Barnett
Presidential senility
President Joe Biden recently told donors his administration has done more in two years than any in previous history.
So here is the list of accomplishments:
l The destruction of U.S. energy independence, resulting in the doubling of gas prices and food shortages, including baby formula.
l Opening southern border gates, allowing in another 2.5 million illegal aliens, contributing to a 47% increase in violent crime and a tripling of fentanyl deaths.
l Acceptance of and grooming our kids with critical race theory and drag queen story hour while labeling parents as terrorists who resist and complain.
l Federal spending is up the ying-yang with another $60 billion to Ukraine, resulting in a looming deep recession.
l Don’t forget the Afghanistan withdrawal disaster and the Defund Police movement.
l Higher taxes and 87,000 more IRS agents to collect payments from the lower class to pay for all this.
Last week, he told a group of veterans his Uncle Frank was wounded during the Battle of the Bulge and never received a Purple Heart until he became vice president under Barack Obama. He commented his father was also present at the ceremonial presentation but Biden’s uncle died in 1999 and his father died in 2002.
Yet Biden wasn’t vice president until 2008 and there’s no documentation his uncle ever received the Purple Heart.
But never forget that Biden said AR-15 bullets go five times faster than any other caliber and one shell holds 30 rounds. Senility and wandering around lost is now totally accepted as being presidential.
John Webb