OpinionDecember 3, 2023

Dam story buried

I know that it is up to the Tribune’s editors to decide what is front page news and what should be buried in the back pages hidden among the obituaries. However, on Nov. 22 an article appeared about the Biden administration developing a “secret plan” to remove the lower Snake River dams.

Shouldn’t such an article highlighting “secret”’ negotiations, with the possibility of removing what many see as a threat to their livlihoods, be more prominent in your publication?

I would think that this story would have been at least front page, if not below the fold on the front of the Northwest section instead of hiding it below the obituaries.

I know you have printed many letters and articles on both sides of this and it seems that when the federal government starts taking sides in secret, trouble soon follows.

I don’t have a personal interest in the dams but removing them would create hardship on everyone who relies on them for power, shipping and tourism.

Gerry Reviea


In a real pickle

Donald Trump is a Nazi, Trump is Adolf Hitler, Trump is Joseph Stalin or any other dictator that comes to mind, according to Democrats, along with abortion fearmongering. And that is their total and complete 2024 platform and pretty much all they have.

Indictments, court dates and threat of prison have only pushed Trump’s polling numbers even higher and this tactic is about the political survival of their party. They understand that their entire system is on the verge of being totally destroyed. They see what happened in Italy, Hungary and recently in Argentina, and there is a worldwide movement against left-wing socialist ideology now going on. Democrats are now in complete survival mode.

Joe Biden says he is running again and they don’t know how to get rid of him. They are losing the African American vote, the Hispanic vote, the Asian vote, the independents and now the younger vote. They can’t push Kamala Harris out because she is a woman of color.

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So, as grandma used to say, “They are in a real pickle.”

John Webb


What the rules allow

Regarding Mike Epstein’s letter of Nov. 25, his position is unsurprising as it is based entirely upon the reporting of Chris Hedges, a self-described anarcho-socialist who characterizes Judeo-Christianity as religious fascism.

Let’s focus upon purported violations of the Geneva Conventions for attacking hospitals. Article 28 of the Geneva Conventions specifies that the presence of civilians does not invalidate a military target. Rule 97 of Customary International Law designates using human shields as a war crime, including hiding military personnel, equipment or weaponry in civilian areas. Thus, if Hamas stashes weapons and personnel in such areas, they become legitimate military targets according to international law, with two caveats:

1. Article 57(2)(c) of GC-API states that an attacking power must warn the civilian population before striking a military target in a civilian area, which Israel did for weeks prior to launching offensive operations.

2. Expected civilian casualties must be proportional to the anticipated value of the objective. (GC-API, Article 51(5)(b)). “Proportional,” however, is undefined and depends upon the expected military advantage achieved by the attack.

Therefore, there is no violation of international law. Pursuant to CIL and GC-API, Israel may bomb away unless it can be conclusively demonstrated that Israel did not anticipate a proportional military advantage. Don’t argue with me. Argue with CIL Rule 97 and GC-API, Articles 28, 51, and 57.

Mr. Epstein’s letter illuminates a disturbing trend wherein people believe whatever is in print without determining whether the author is legitimate or an activist masquerading as a journalist.

Scott Spitzer

Portland, Ore.

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