Can’t call it pro-life
Marty Trillhaase’s editorial published on the Dec. 3 Lewiston Tribune Opinion page and in the Dec. 6 Moscow-Pullman Daily News absolutely hit the mark with its factual account of how the Idaho Republican-led Legislature’s actions are a disgrace to women and children. It is well worth reading for its facts on how women and children suffer in Idaho with these ill-informed, uncaring legislators making our laws.
His final paragraph sums it up: “Whatever you want to say about this Legislature, you can’t call it pro-life. You can’t call it pro-child. And you can’t call it pro-motherhood.
“These lawmakers only seem to know what they are against.”
Read the facts for themselves, then think before you mark your ballot automatically next election.
Linda Pike
Critical haters
The greatest truths have a way of hiding in plain sight. One of those truths is so-called higher education no longer teaches “critical thought,” and has instead replaced it with a psychopathic neo-Marxist ideology which could best be described as “critical hate.”
There’s a growing realization that the psychotic moral (and intellectual) sepsis overtaking our country has been spilling out of our Ivy League universities for decades now.
“Critical race theory,” “intersectionality” and “wokeism” are examples of critical hate. Critical haters have been programmed by their radical Marxist professors to be virulently anti-Western, anti-capitalist and anti-anything else that might support Western democracy. This is how it’s possible to celebrate 150 genders, while demonizing men and women.
Another truth is the Ten Commandments are the bedrock of Judaism and the cornerstone of Western democracy. This is why the neo-Marxists and Islamics are getting along so well at the moment. Islamics are terrified of the Ten Commandments; that’s why they hate the Jews. The Ten Commandments predate Islam by 2,000 years and they directly ... contradict the Quran ... in many ways.
Meanwhile, Marxist/atheist revolutionaries are greatly inconvenienced by the beautiful integrity of the Ten Commandments, and are enraged by the sustained and ongoing successes of the Judeo-Christian civilizations built upon them.
... A great many of these graduates of critical hate theory have infiltrated every sensitive nook and cranny of our society. This includes law, education, health care, every level of government and a favorite hiding place — human resources departments.
J.C. Passmore
Elk City